Research Grants 17/09052-4 - Ecologia de comunidades, Nicho trófico - BV FAPESP
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Influence of latitude and aquatic subsidies on niche breadth and structure of terrestrial communities


The transport and flow of resources from donor ecosystems can subsidize an enormous biomass of consumers in recipient ecosystems. These allochthonous resources (i.e., resources derived from different ecosystems) may be characterized by nutrients and living organisms. The latter, typically represented by emergent aquatic insects, actively reach adjacent ecosystems and are consumed by terrestrial predators, thus being able to amplify trophic niche dimensions of these consumers. However, there is still a large gap in the knowledge of the distance that these resources migrate and subsidize terrestrial environments and this knowledge is critical to the integrity and conservation of biotic interactions in recipient ecosystems. We predict that allochthonous resources subsidize predators (spiders, birds and insectivorous bats) at distances from water bodies that are greater than those stipulated to the permanent protection areas by the New Brazilian Forest Act (Law # 12.651/2012). The importance of the allochthonous resources could be particularly important in the tropics, where there is supposedly greater consumer specialization (via competition) and, consequently, smaller niche breadth. However, this prediction has never been tested. We propose to test the role of allochthonous resources, via emerging aquatic insects, on the width (amplitude of a bell-shaped curve) and overlap of trophic niches of terrestrial predators (spiders, birds and insectivorous bats). We plan to compare the predator niches in different rainforests (Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest) to those in temperate forests. We will use modern techniques such as isotopic methods (15N and 13C) and Bayesian analytical approaches (SIAR, SIBER) to determine (i) the flow distance of aquatic resources to terrestrial environments (via isotopic signature of aquatic environments) and (ii) niche breadth of the main terrestrial insectivorous predators that inhabit different distances in relation to water bodies in all forests types (AU)

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Scientific publications (10)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
NASH, LIAM N.; ANTIQUEIRA, PABLO A. P.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; DE OMENA, PAULA M.; KRATINA, PAVEL. Warming of aquatic ecosystems disrupts aquatic-terrestrial linkages in the tropics. Journal of Animal Ecology, v. 90, n. 7, p. 1623-1634, . (17/26243-8, 17/09052-4, 19/08474-8, 14/04603-4)
MIGLIORINI, GUSTAVO H.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.. Warming and leaf litter functional diversity, not litter quality, drive decomposition in a freshwater ecosystem. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 10, n. 1, . (17/09052-4, 18/12225-0, 12/51143-3)
ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; GONCALVES-SOUZA, THIAGO; ROSLIN, TOMAS; MARQUIS, ROBERT J.; MARINO, NICHOLAS A. C.; NOVOTNY, VOJTECH; CORNELISSEN, TATIANA; ORIVEL, JEROME; SUI, SHEN; AIRES, GUSTAVO; et al. Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: A global experiment. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, v. 28, n. 11, p. 17-pg., . (19/08474-8, 17/09052-4)
ANTIQUEIRA, PABLO AUGUSTO P.; PETCHEY, OWEN L.; REZENDE, FELIPE; MACHADO VELHO, LUIZ FELIPE; RODRIGUES, LUZIA CLEIDE; ROMERO, GUSTAVO QUEVEDO. arming and top predator loss drive direct and indirect effects on multiple trophic groups within and across ecosystem. Journal of Animal Ecology, v. 91, n. 2, . (17/09052-4, 19/08474-8, 17/26243-8, 18/12225-0)
ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; MARINO, NICHOLAS A. C.; MACDONALD, A. ANDREW M.; CEREGHINO, REGIS; TRZCINSKI, M. KURTIS; MERCADO, DIMARIS ACOSTA; LEROY, CELINE; CORBARA, BRUNO; FARJALLA, VINICIUS F.; BARBERIS, IGNACIO M.; et al. Extreme rainfall events alter the trophic structure in bromeliad tanks across the Neotropics. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 11, n. 1, . (16/01209-9, 14/04603-4, 17/26243-8, 12/51143-3, 17/09052-4)
GREENSPAN, SASHA E.; MIGLIORINI, GUSTAVO H.; LYRA, MARIANA L.; PONTES, MARIANA R.; CARVALHO, TAMILIE; RIBEIRO, LUISA P.; MOURA-CAMPOS, DIEGO; HADDAD, CELIO F. B.; TOLEDO, LUIS FELIPE; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; et al. Warming drives ecological community changes linked to host-associated microbiome dysbiosis. NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, v. 10, n. 11, p. 1057+, . (16/25358-3, 18/12225-0, 18/23622-0, 13/50741-7, 17/26162-8, 17/09052-4, 19/18335-5)
MOI, DIEISON A.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; ANTIQUEIRA, PABLO A. P.; MORMUL, ROGER P.; TEIXEIRA DE MELLO, FRANCO; BONECKER, CLAUDIA C.. Multitrophic richness enhances ecosystem multifunctionality of tropical shallow lakes. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, v. 35, n. 4, . (17/09052-4, 18/12225-0)
PEREIRA, THALES A.; VIEIRA, SIMONE A.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.; ANTIQUEIRA, PABLO A. P.; MIGLIORINI, GUSTAVO H.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.. Local drivers of heterogeneity in a tropical forest: epiphytic tank bromeliads affect the availability of soil resources and conditions and indirectly affect the structure of seedling communities. Oecologia, v. 199, n. 1, p. 11-pg., . (19/08474-8, 17/09052-4, 12/51872-5)
RECALDE, FATIMA C.; BREVIGLIERI, CRASSO P. B.; KERSCH-BECKER, MONICA F.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.. Contribution of emergent aquatic insects to the trophic variation of tropical birds and bats. FOOD WEBS, v. 29, . (19/08474-8, 18/12225-0, 17/09052-4)
MOI, DIEISON ANDRE; ALVES, DIEGO CORREA; SOUZA FIGUEIREDO, BRUNO RENALY; POLETO ANTIQUEIRA, PABLO AUGUSTO; DE MELLO, FRANCO TEIXEIRA; JEPPESEN, ERIK; ROMERO, GUSTAVO QUEVEDO; MORMUL, ROGER PAULO; BONECKER, CLAUDIA COSTA. Non-native fishes homogenize native fish communities and reduce ecosystem multifunctionality in tropical lakes over 16 years. Science of The Total Environment, v. 769, . (17/26243-8, 17/09052-4)

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