Research and Innovation: Insects for animal and human feeding: adaptations and research for mass rearing in Brazil
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Insects for animal and human feeding: adaptations and research for mass rearing in Brazil

Grant number: 16/00152-3
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Agronomy
Principal Investigator:Patrícia Milano
Grantee:Patrícia Milano
Company:Patricia Milano - ME
CNAE: Comércio varejista de outros produtos novos não especificados anteriormente
City: Limeira
Associated researchers:Paulo César Bogorni ; Pedro Takao Yamamoto
Associated research grant(s):22/07726-6 - Insects in animal and human feed: future steps in serving emerging markets, AP.PIPE
Associated scholarship(s):17/24443-0 - Insects for animal and human feeding: adaptations and research for mass rearing in Brazil, BP.PIPE


The importance of insects as pollinators, members of the food chain, agricultural pests, biological control agents, and even disease vectors is well-known, undisputed and studied. In addition to these features, these organisms have great nutritional value, containing proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other important components (FINKE, 2013; QUITE and SCHLÜTER, 2013), being used in the composition of rations for poultry and fish, as well as for the feeding of animals in zoos. However, the consumption of insects is common for the human population in some regions of the world, and in various ethnic groups, such as; indigenous tribes of South America, African, Indian, and mostly in Eastern countries. With the growing world population, the demand for proteins is increasing and, only the production of livestock, poultry, fish and pigs will not be enough to feed all this human contingent (HUIS, 2013), in addition to being major emitters of greenhouse gases (OONINEX and BOER, 2012). Worried about this reality that presents itself for the future and with environmental degradation, the FAO, anti-hunger agency belonging to the ONU, launched in 2013. Report calling attention to the problem and encouraging the creation and use of insects in food ( which led to American company EXO using crickets to dust the composition of cereal bars as dietary supplement ( While in Brazil the consumption of insects exist discreetly, being the Ant "big butt" offered Fries or crumbly in the State of Minas Gerais and in the Northeast, and the beetle Pachymerus nucleorum (larva of coconut) in the State of Amazonas (www.hospitaldasclinicas), note that the majority of people still has a certain disgust for the idea to consume them. However, due to increasing concern with sustainability, the sustainability, the authorities should make great pressure for the consumption of insects around the world, encouraged mainly by the ONU (; In Brazil, there are small producers and three large biofactories that sell insects to animal feed, these being, in your most associated with ABRACI (Brazilian Association of Insects Creators). These producers aim also the supply of insects for food, however, it should be remembered that issues such as nutritional value, hygienic and health are taken into consideration as well as of paramount importance, biological aspects and forms of mass creation of species produced. The Ecological Food, targeting this large and promising market, inside and outside the country, purchased and initiated the creation of the main species reared in Brazil as Gryllus assimilis (Cricket), portentous Gromphadorhina (Madagascar), Tenebrio molitor and Zophobas morio (Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae) and for the maintenance of the colonies of these species, amid traditional food based on literature and common among the creators (animal feed and flour), the company has detected problems such as long duration of the cycle of some species, high rate of cannibalism, among them G. assimilis and difficulties in maintaining hygiene of creation units. Thus, the Ecological Food aims to improve the methodology of creation of some species, raising them according to laboratory practice, proposing an innovation under the nutritional aspect of the species offering a diet prepared by company, rich in nutrients and adapting areas of creation, who runs away from the traditional, innovating in this respect also, craving the mass creation and supply of insects to humans in the future. With the proposed adjustments, the Ecological Food, the example of other companies, will request the supply of insects for food to the MAPA, Anvisa and will contact the FAO representatives in Brazil. (AU)

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