Research Grants 17/12208-6 - Termocronologia, Evolução tectônica - BV FAPESP
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Grant number: 17/12208-6
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Geophysics
Principal Investigator:Airton Natanael Coelho Dias
Grantee:Airton Natanael Coelho Dias
Host Institution: Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias para a Sustentabilidade (CCTS). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). Sorocaba , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: Candido Augusto Veloso Moura ; Farid Chemale Junior ; Marco Antonio Caçador Martins Ferreira


The tectonic evolution of the Greenstone/TTG terrain of Almas-TO is still unknown. The available U-Pb and Lu-Hf geochronological data are rare and there are no thermochronological studies by Fission-Track Thermochronology (FTT) and U-Th/He in zircon and apatite. In addition, provenance studies of the volcano-sedimentary sequences of this greenstone have not been carried out, so far. For these reasons, the use of different thermo- and geochronological methods is proposed in this project to investigate the timing of the tectonic processes that occurred after the stabilization of the Almas Greenstone/TTG terrain, as well as to better define its geological evolution. The U-Pb in zircon (by LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP) is intended to define igneous and metamorphic processes at high temperatures (up to 1200ºC); through the FTT in zircon it will be possible to define the geological processes occurring in intermediate-low temperature and, by TTF in apatite and U-Th/He in apatite and zircon it is intended to establish the events of denudation, erosion, uplift and subsidence that occurred during the Phanerozoic, especially with reference to the movements of the Transbrasiliano Lineament. This study is of great scientific and economical interest because it is the most extensive granite-greenstone terrain in the entire Brasília Belt, with known occurrences of gold mineralization, and diamonds hosted in the sedimentary sequences of the Natividade Group that cover the granite-greenstone terrain. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CACADOR MARTINS-FERREIRA, MARCO ANTONIO; COELHO DIAS, AIRTON NATANAEL; CHEMALE JR, FARID; GUIMARAES CAMPOS, JOSE ELOI; SERAINE, MARINA; NOVAIS-RODRIGUES, EDUARDO. Multi-stage crustal accretion by magmatic flare-up and quiescence intervals in the western margin of the Sao Francisco Craton: U-Pb-Hf and geochemical constraints from the Almas Terrane. GONDWANA RESEARCH, v. 85, p. 32-54, . (17/12208-6)
ASSIS, CLAUBER R. F.; MOURA, V, CANDIDO A.; MILHOMEM NETO, JOAO M.; GORAYEB, PAULO S. S.; DIAS, AIRTON N. C.. Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotope systematics of the Araguaia Belt basement Rocks: Evidence of links with the southeastern Amazonian Craton, Brazil. Precambrian Research, v. 356, . (17/12208-6)
DIAS, A. N. C.; GUADAGNIN, F.; RANGEL, C. V. G. T.; CHEMALE, JR., F.; OLIVEIRA, T. R. P.; MOURA, C. A.; PEREIRA, V. Q.; ALVES, J. S. E.. Provenance of Neogene deposits of Barreiras Formation in the southeastern Brazilian continental margin. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, v. 110, n. 1, p. 233-249, . (14/13792-5, 17/12208-6)

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