Research Grants 17/27078-0 - Acústica, Levitação acústica - BV FAPESP
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Development of acoustic levitation systems


The main objective of this research project is to develop new kinds of acoustic levitation systems, with the purpose of levitating and transporting the levitated object. The development of acoustic levitators will be carried out using the Finite Element Method, which will be applied to simulate the dynamic behavior of ultrasonic transducers and to calculate the acoustic radiation force that acts on the levitated object. In this project, different types of acoustic levitation systems will be developed. One of the levitators to be developed is called single-axis levitator and basically consists of a circular transducer and a reflector. The single-acoustic levitators will be used by other researchers, which will apply the acoustic levitation technique in X-ray scattering experiments, study of pharmaceutical systems, and in experiments with synchrotron radiation. During this project, it will also be developed acoustic levitators based on 40 kHz multi-element transducers and a levitation system to levitate, transport, and merge liquid drops in a controlled manner. (AU)

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Scientific publications (12)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SIMON, GERGELY; ANDRADE, MARCO A. B.; DESMULLIEZ, MARC P. Y.; RIEHLE, MATHIS O.; BERNASSAU, ANNE L.. Numerical Determination of the Secondary Acoustic Radiation Force on a Small Sphere in a Plane Standing Wave Field. MICROMACHINES, v. 10, n. 7, . (17/27078-0)
ANDRADE, MARCO A. B.; MARZO, ASIER. Numerical and experimental investigation of the stability of a drop in a single-axis acoustic levitator. Physics of Fluids, v. 31, n. 11, . (17/27078-0)
ANDRADE, MARCO A. B.; POLYCHRONOPOULOS, SPYROS; MEMOLI, GIANLUCA; MARZO, ASIER. Experimental investigation of the particle oscillation instability in a single-axis acoustic levitator. AIP ADVANCES, v. 9, n. 3, . (17/27078-0)
SOUZA, FELIPE RODRIGUES; PEREIRA SOUZA, LUCAS MIGUEL; PIMENTEL, ANDRE SILVA. Recent Open Issues in Coarse Grained Force Fields. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, v. 60, n. 12, p. 5881-5884, . (14/50983-3, 18/16092-5, 17/27078-0)
VIEIRA, SILVIO; ANDRADE, MARCO; IEEE. Design and Construction of a Piezoelectric Transducer for Acoustic Levitation. 2021 IEEE UFFC LATIN AMERICA ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM (LAUS), v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (17/27078-0)
ANDRADE, MARCO A. B.; MARZO, ASIER; ADAMOWSKI, JULIO C.. Acoustic levitation in mid-air: Recent advances, challenges, and future perspectives. Applied Physics Letters, v. 116, n. 25, . (17/27078-0)
RIBEIRO, TALITA A.; MACHADO-FERREIRA, ERIK; GUIMARAES, LOHAINE F.; CAVALEIRO, JESSICA; BRITTO, ALAN MESSALA A.; REDUA, NATALY; PEREIRA DE SOUZA, LUCAS MIGUEL; PIMENTEL, ANDRE S.; PICCIANI, PAULO H. S.; OLIVEIRA, OSVALDO N. JR JR; et al. Novel cytotoxic amphiphilic nitro-compounds derived from a synthetic route for paraconic acids. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, v. 626, . (18/22214-6, 17/27078-0, 18/16092-5, 14/50983-3)
VIEIRA, SILVIO L.; ANDRADE, MARCO A. B.. Translational and rotational resonance frequencies of a disk in a single-axis acoustic levitator. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 127, n. 22, . (17/27078-0)
ANDRADE, MARCO A. B.; SIMON, GERGELY; BERNASSAU, ANNE; MARZO, ASIER; IEEE. The role of primary and secondary acoustic radiation forces on the contactless manipulation of liquid droplets in mid-air. 2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM (IUS), v. N/A, p. 7-pg., . (17/27078-0)
GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANO L. P.; SILVA, EMERSON R.; HAMLEY, IAN W.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Amyloid Formation by Short Peptides in the Presence of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Membranes. Langmuir, v. 36, n. 48, p. 14793-14801, . (17/02317-2, 19/20907-7, 18/16092-5, 14/50867-3, 17/27078-0, 18/05888-3)
ANDRADE, MARCO A. B.; RAMOS, TIAGO S.; ADAMOWSKI, JULIO C.; MARZO, ASIER. Contactless pick-and-place of millimetric objects using inverted near-field acoustic levitation. Applied Physics Letters, v. 116, n. 5, . (17/27078-0, 18/04101-0)
ANDRADE, MARCO A. B.; CAMARGO, THALES S. A.; MARZO, ASIER. Automatic contactless injection, transportation, merging, and ejection of droplets with a multifocal point acoustic levitator. Review of Scientific Instruments, v. 89, n. 12, . (17/27078-0, 18/04101-0)

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