Research Grants 98/05124-8 - Metabolismo vegetal, Fotossíntese - BV FAPESP
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Conservation and sustainable use of the plant biodiversity from the cerrado and Atlantic Forest: the storage of carbohydrates and their role on the adaptation and maintainance of plants in their natural environment

Grant number: 98/05124-8
Support Opportunities:BIOTA-FAPESP Program - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Botany - Pant Physiology
Principal Investigator:Marcos Silveira Buckeridge
Grantee:Marcos Silveira Buckeridge
Host Institution: Instituto de Botânica. Secretaria de Meio Ambiente, Infraestrutura e Logística (São Paulo - Estado). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Lilian Beatriz Penteado Zaidan ; Marcia Regina Braga ; Maria Angela Machado de Carvalho ; Rita de Cassia Leone Figueiredo Ribeiro ; Sonia Machado de Campos Dietrich
Associated research grant(s):00/07051-0 - Andrew John Cairns | Institute of Grassland & Environmental Research - United Kingdom, AV.EXT
Associated scholarship(s):05/52290-6 - Effect of CO2 enriched atmosphere on growth, on the allocation of biomass and on the metabolism of fructans of Vernonia herbacea (Vell.) Rusby, BP.MS
04/11421-8 - Study of the effects in the short and long term of a CO2 enriched atmosphere on the growth, development and metabolism of carbohydrates of sugarcane (Saccharum ssp.), BP.MS
04/12194-5 - Mapping of the enzymes of the metabolism of sucrose in plantules of Hymenaea courbaril L. during the mobilization of reserve xyloglucan, BP.MS
+ associated scholarships 04/10159-8 - Control of the genetic expression of the metabolism of carbohydrates by auxin during the mobilization of reserves and the development of plant embryos of jatoba (Hymenaea courbaril var. Stilbocarpa), BP.DR
04/04477-7 - Phytotoxic and antimicrobial substances in Leguminosae seeds which accumulate galactomannan and xyloglucan as cell wall reserve carbohydrates, BP.DR
02/11227-1 - Biosynthesis and degradation of fructans in different regions of the rhizophores of Vernonia herbacea (Vell.) Rusby, BP.MS
03/04011-5 - Purification and genic expression of fructan exohydrolases of rhizophores of Vernonia herbacea (Vell.) Rusby (Asteraceae), BP.DR
02/11226-5 - Effect of the availability of nitrate in the content of fructans and in the enzymes of their metabolism in Vernonia herbacea (Vell.) Rusby, BP.MS
02/11158-0 - Structural and evolutive characterization of cell walls of four species of Pteridopsida, BP.MS
01/10419-1 - Isolation and characterization of the genes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates during the growth and establishment of two species of the Hymenaea genus and in different environmental conditions, BP.PD
01/11530-3 - Characterization of the elicitor of the Mucor ramosissimus fungus and study of the suppression of its inductive activity in soya through fragments of pectic polysaccharides, BP.MS
02/01122-8 - Effect of mannose on the metabolism and growth of plantules of Sesbania virgata Benth, BP.PD
01/01762-4 - Enzymes of the metabolism of fructans in plants of Vernonia herbacea (Vell.) Rusby induced to bud, BP.MS
00/13895-6 - Mapping of invertase in plantules of Hymenea courbaril L. during the mobilization of reserve xyloglucans, BP.IC
00/14099-9 - Seasonal and daily variation analysis of the content and the composition of the non-structural carbohydrates of Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase and Melinis minutiflora Beauv. (Poaceae), BP.MS
00/14353-2 - Optimization and spatial mapping of the activity of the saccharose synthase and Saccharose phosphate synthase enzymes during the process of degradation of the reserve xyloglucans in Hymenaea courbaril (jatoba), BP.IC
00/11377-8 - Purification and characterization of an endo-beta-mananase of seeds of Sesbania marginata Benth. (Leguminosae), BP.MS
99/07564-8 - Induction activity of phytoalexins and production of fungitoxic substances during the germination of Sesbania marginata seeds, BP.MS
99/04109-8 - Effects of oligosaccharides of xyloglucan on the growth of cells of Rudgea jasminoides (Rubiaceae) cultivated in vitro, BP.DR
99/04941-5 - Role of beta-galactosity in the mechanism of degradation of cell wall xyloglucan during reserve mobilization in cotyledons of Copaifera langsdorffii, BP.MS - associated scholarships


There are periods when plants temporarily lose their capacity to maintain their own autotrophy, i.e. when the photosynthetic system becomes temporarily non operational (dormancy for example). Those periods can be considered as the weakest links of the life cycle of plants, since they become totally dependent on their reserves in order to restart growth when environmental conditions are favorable. Plants store reserves of organic compounds (carbohydrates and lipids mainly for carbon and energy resource), and proteins (for nitrogen), which are mobilised during specific periods and under straight metabolic control. Thus, the energetic needs and at the same time carbon are provided as raw material for restarting of growth. The latter demands high quantities of carbon mainly for processes as respiration, cell division and elongation. The main storage carbohydrates' in plants can be divided into intracellular and extracellular reserves. Those accumulated within the cells can be found in the vacuole (fructans, sucrose and raffinose series) or into the cytoplasm (starch) and those stored in the extracellular space are composed of polysaccharides such as hemicelluloses and pectin's. Each type of polysaccharide used as a reserve corresponds to one or more strategies of surviving, including water imbibition and defence. In this way, it is possible that the maintenance of biodiversity in tropical environments presents a relatively high dependence on the period of accumulation and mobilization of reserves. It is therefore important to study these phenomena in detail if one wishes to understand how biodiversity can be maintained or used in a sustainable fashion. On this basis, the present proposition intends to study the biosynthesis and degradation of some of the main storage carbohydrates from plants native to Cerrado (a savanna-like vegetation) and the Tropical Forest. The physiological and cytochemical consequences for the following growth and development will be studied concomitantly. We expect these results to contribute towards a strong scientific basis for the conservation and recuperation of those ecosystems (Cerrado and Tropical Forest) consistently being degraded. We also expect the results to provide means for the sustainable use of the biodiversity. (AU)

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Scientific publications (36)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
VELHO DO AMARAL, LOURDES ISABEL; SANTOS, HENRIQUE P.; ROSSATTO, DAVI RODRIGO; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS SILVEIRA. Diurnal changes in storage carbohydrate metabolism in cotyledons of the tropical tree Hymenaea courbaril L. (Leguminosae). BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, v. 35, n. 4, p. 347-355, . (98/05124-8)
ASEGA, AMANDA FRANCINE; DO NASCIMENTO, JOAO ROBERTO O.; CARVALHO, MARIA ANGELA M.. Increased expression of fructan 1-exohydrolase in rhizophores of Vernonia herbacea during sprouting and exposure to low temperature. Journal of Plant Physiology, v. 168, n. 6, p. 558-565, . (98/05124-8, 05/04139-7, 03/04011-5)
NAIR MASSUMI ITAYA; ANA PAULA ARTIMONTE VAZ; GILBERTO B. KERBAUY; RITA DE CÁSSIA L. FIGUEIREDO-RIBEIRO. Produção de frutanos em calos e plântulas clonadas in vitro de Viguiera discolor Baker (Asteraceae). Acta Botanica Brasilica, v. 19, n. 3, p. 579-586, . (98/05124-8)
MARCO AURÉLIO SILVA TINÉ; ANGELO CORTELAZZO; MARCOS S. BUCKERIDGE. Ocorrência de protuberâncias contendo xiloglucano nas paredes celulares da reserva de Hymenaea courbaril L.. Rev. bras. Bot., v. 23, n. 4, p. 415-419, . (98/05124-8)
OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, CLOVIS J. F.; CAVALARI, ALINE A.; CARPITA, NICHOLAS C.; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS S.; BRAGA, MARCIA R.. Cell wall polysaccharides from cell suspension cultures of the Atlantic Forest tree Rudgea jasminoides (Rubiaceae). TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, v. 24, n. 4, p. 713-722, . (98/05124-8, 05/04139-7)
TONINI, PATRICIA PINHO; PURGATTO, EDUARDO; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS SILVEIRA. Effects of abscisic acid, ethylene and sugars on the mobilization of storage proteins and carbohydrates in seeds of the tropical tree Sesbania virgata (Leguminosae). ANNALS OF BOTANY, v. 106, n. 4, p. 607-616, . (98/05124-8, 07/59708-1)
PORTES, MARIA TERESA; FIGUEIREDO-RIBEIRO, RITA DE CASSIA L.; DE CARVALHO, MARIA ANGELA M.. Low temperature and defoliation affect fructan-metabolizing enzymes in different regions of the rhizophores of Vernonia herbacea. Journal of Plant Physiology, v. 165, n. 15, p. 1572-1581, . (98/05124-8, 05/04139-7)
MARISA DE CACIA OLIVEIRA; GIUSEPINA NEGRI; ANTÔNIO SALATINO; MÁRCIA REGINA BRAGA. Detecção de antraquinonas e identificação de 1,4-naftohidroquinona em suspensões celulares de Rudgea jasminoides (Cham.) Müll. Arg. (Rubiaceae). Rev. bras. Bot., v. 30, n. 1, p. 167-172, . (98/05124-8)
KELLY SIMÕES; SONIA M.C. DIETRICH; MICHAEL G. HAHN; MARCIA R. BRAGA. Purificação e caracterização de um eliciador de fitoalexinas de esporos do fungo sapróbio Mucor ramosissimus. Rev. bras. Bot., v. 28, n. 4, p. 735-744, . (98/05124-8)
MÁRCIA REGINA BRAGA; NICHOLAS C. CARPITA; SONIA M. C. DIETRICH; RITA DE CÁSSIA L. FIGUEIREDO-RIBEIRO. Variações nas pectinas de Ocimum nudicaule da dormência para a brotação. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, v. 18, n. 2, p. 325-331, . (98/05124-8)
GERALDO R.F. CUZZUOL; MARIA ANGELA M. CARVALHO; CLAUDIO J. BARBEDO; LILIAN B.P. ZAIDAN. Crescimento e conteúdo de frutanos em plantas de Vernonia herbacea (Vell.) Rusby submetidas à adubação nitrogenada. Rev. bras. Bot., v. 26, n. 1, p. 81-91, . (98/05124-8)
GERALDO ROGÉRIO FAUSTINI CUZZUOL; MARIA ANGELA MACHADO DE CARVALHO; LILIAN B.P. ZAIDAN. Crescimento, partição de fotossintatos e acúmulo de frutanos em plantas de Vernonia herbacea (Vell.) Rusby tratadas com dois níveis de nitrogênio. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, v. 17, n. 4, p. 401-410, . (98/05124-8)
FERREIRA, CRISTIANE DA SILVA; FERNANDEZ PIEDADE, MARIA TERESA; SILVA TINE, MARCO AURELIO; ROSSATTO, DAVI RODRIGO; PAROLIN, PIA; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS SILVEIRA. The role of carbohydrates in seed germination and seedling establishment of Himatanthus sucuuba, an Amazonian tree with populations adapted to flooded and non-flooded conditions. ANNALS OF BOTANY, v. 104, n. 6, p. 1111-1119, . (98/05124-8)
PESSONI‚ R.A.B.; FRESHOUR‚ G.; RITA DE CÁSSIA‚ L.; HAHN‚ M.G.; BRAGA‚ M.R.. Cell-wall structure and composition of Penicillium janczewskii as affected by inulin. Mycologia, v. 97, n. 2, p. 304-311, . (98/05124-8)
TINÉ‚ M.A.S.; SILVA‚ C.O.; LIMA‚ D.U.; CARPITA‚ N.C.; BUCKERIDGE‚ M.S.. Fine structure of a mixed-oligomer storage xyloglucan from seeds of Hymenaea courbaril. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 66, n. 4, p. 444-454, . (98/05124-8)
VANESSA FÁTIMA DE OLIVEIRA; NAIR MASSUMI ITAYA; ENY IOCHEVET SEGAL FLOH; MARIA ANGELA MACHADO DE CARVALHO. Frutanos em calos de Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.) H. Rob. Hoehnea, v. 36, n. 1, p. 89-97, . (05/04139-7, 98/05124-8)
M.P.M. AIDAR; C.A. MARTINEZ; A.C. COSTA; P.M.F. COSTA; S.M.C. DIETRICH; M.S. BUCKERIDGE. Effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on the establishment of seedlings of Jatobá, Hymenaea Courbaril L. (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae). Biota Neotropica, v. 2, n. 1, p. 1-10, . (98/05124-8)
TONINI, PATRICIA P.; CARRARA, THALITA B.; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS S.. Storage proteins and cell wall mobilisation in seeds of Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers. (Leguminosae). TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, v. 24, n. 4, p. 675-684, . (98/05124-8)
ROSEMEIRE A.B. PESSONI; GLENN FRESHOUR; RITA DE CÁSSIA L. FIGUEIREDO-RIBEIRO; MICHAEL G. HAHN; MÁRCIA R. BRAGA. Corpúsculos de woronin em Penicillium janczewskii Zaleski. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, v. 33, n. 2, p. 127-130, . (98/05124-8)
A.C.C.F.F. DE PAULA; R.V. SOUSA; R.C.L. FIGUEIREDO-RIBEIRO; M.S. BUCKERIDGE. Hypoglycemic activity of polysaccharide fractions containing ß-glucans from extracts of Rhynchelytrum repens (Willd.) C.E. Hubb., Poaceae. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, v. 38, n. 6, p. 885-893, . (98/05124-8)
MARISA DE CACIA OLIVEIRA; KELLY SIMÕES; MÁRCIA REGINA BRAGA. Substâncias antifúngicas constitutivas e induzidas em folhas e suspensões celulares de Rudgea jasminoides (Cham.) Müll. Arg. (Rubiaceae). Rev. bras. Bot., v. 32, n. 3, p. 509-519, . (05/04139-7, 98/05124-8)
BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS SILVEIRA. Seed Cell Wall Storage Polysaccharides: Models to Understand Cell Wall Biosynthesis and Degradation. Plant Physiology, v. 154, n. 3, p. 1017-1023, . (98/05124-8, 07/59708-1)
E. M. ALMEIDA; P. F. COSTA; M. S. BUCKERIDGE; M. A. S. ALVES. Aves potenciais dispersoras de Psychotria em uma área de Floresta Atlântica, Ilha Grande, RJ, Sudeste do Brasil: uma análise bioquímica dos frutos. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 66, p. 01-08, . (98/05124-8)
GERALDO R. F. CUZZUOL; MARIA ANGELA M. CARVALHO; LILIAN B. P. ZAIDAN. A produção de frutanos em Vernonia herbacea (Vell.) Rusby está relacionada com o suprimento adequado de nitrogênio e o tempo de cultivo. Rev. bras. Bot., v. 31, n. 1, p. 95-103, . (05/04139-7, 98/05124-8)
LOURDES ISABEL VELHO DO AMARAL; MARÍLIA GASPAR; PAULA MOREIRA FELIX COSTA; MARCOS PEREIRA MARINHO AIDAR; MARCOS SILVEIRA BUCKERIDGE. Novo método enzimático rápido e sensível de extração e dosagem de amido em materiais vegetais. Hoehnea, v. 34, n. 4, p. 425-431, . (98/05124-8)
OLIVEIRA, VANESSA F.; ZAIDAN, LILIAN B. P.; BRAGA, MARCIA R.; AIDAR, MARCOS P. M.; CARVALHO, MARIA ANGELA M.. Elevated CO2 atmosphere promotes plant growth and inulin production in the cerrado species Vernonia herbacea. FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY, v. 37, n. 3, p. 223-231, . (98/05124-8, 05/04139-7, 07/59782-7)
POTOMATI, ADRIANA; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS S.. Effect of abscisic acid on the mobilisation of galactomannan and embryo development of Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers. (Leguminosae - Faboideae). BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, v. 25, n. 3, p. 303-310, . (98/05124-8)
LIMA, D. U.; BUCKERIDGE, M. S.. Interaction between cellulose and storage xyloglucans: the influence of the degree of galactosylation. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 46, n. 2, p. 157-163, . (98/05124-8)
PESSONI, ROSEMEIRE A. B.; BRAGA, MARCIA R.; FIGUEIREDO-RIBEIRO, RITA DE CÁSSIA L.. Purification and properties of exo-imulinases from Penicillium janczewskii growing on distinct carbon sources. Mycologia, v. 99, n. 4, p. 493-503, . (05/04139-7, 98/05124-8)
LIMA‚ D.U.; OLIVEIRA‚ R.C.; BUCKERIDGE‚ M.S.. Seed storage hemicelluloses as wet-end additives in papermaking. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 52, n. 4, p. 367-373, . (98/05124-8)
KRETZSCHMAR‚ F.S.; OLIVEIRA‚ C.J.F.; BRAGA‚ M.R.. Differential sugar uptake by cell suspension cultures of Rudgea jasminoides‚ a tropical woody Rubiaceae. IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-PLANT, v. 43, n. 1, p. 71-78, . (98/05124-8)
DOS SANTOS‚ H.P.; PURGATTO‚ E.; MERCIER‚ H.; BUCKERIDGE‚ M.S.. The control of storage xyloglucan mobilization in cotyledons of Hymenaea courbaril. Plant Physiology, v. 135, n. 1, p. 287-299, . (98/05124-8)
FREITAS‚ RA; MARTIN‚ S.; SANTOS‚ GL; VALENGA‚ F.; BUCKERIDGE‚ MS; REICHER‚ F.; SIERAKOWSKI‚ M.R.. Physico-chemical properties of seed xyloglucans from different sources. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 60, n. 4, p. 507-514, . (98/05124-8)
MARQUES‚ M.R.; BUCKERIDGE‚ M.S.; BRAGA‚ M.R.; DIETRICH‚ S.M.C.. Characterization of an extracellular endopolygalacturonase from the saprobe Mucor ramosissimus Samutsevitsch and its action as trigger of defensive response in tropical plants. Mycopathologia, v. 162, n. 5, p. 337-346, . (98/05124-8)
VELHO DO AMARAL, LOURDES ISABEL; SANTOS, HENRIQUE P.; ROSSATTO, DAVI RODRIGO; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS SILVEIRA. Diurnal changes in storage carbohydrate metabolism in cotyledons of the tropical tree Hymenaea courbaril L. (Leguminosae). Rev. bras. Bot., v. 35, n. 4, p. 9-pg., . (98/05124-8)

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