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The challenge of the new regulatory patterns in the preferential trade agreements to the Brazilian multilateral strategy in services and intellectual property

Grant number: 12/00213-1
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): April 01, 2012
Effective date (End): November 30, 2012
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Law
Principal Investigator:Michelle Ratton Sanchez Badin
Grantee:Milena da Fonseca Azevedo
Host Institution: Escola de Direito de São Paulo. Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


Due to the deadlock in the Doha Round, multilateral trade negotiations in the World Trade Organization (WTO), it was noticed a proliferation of the preferential trade agreements (PTAS). Countries and economic blocs such as United States (USA), European Union (EU), India and China, intending to intensify your trade relations developed standards of agreements that can provide regulatory tendencies in the multilateral scope in the future. Brazil, as a country that opts for the multilateral strategy, can have the latter harmed for this phenomenon, since the negotiations tendencies by important actors in the multilateral system can be pre-defined. This work proposes to analyze how the regulatory tendencies in the PTAs celebrated by USA, EU, China and India can affect the Brazilian strategy in WTO. In order to analyze this phenomenon it was selected two sensitive areas for Brazil and that has aggregated economic importance to the country in the past few years. They are intellectual property and services. From the analysis of the proposals presented by Brazil in the Doha Round, it will be observed the strategy of the other countries in the selected areas. Second, it will be observed the regulation of the PTAs of USA, EU, China and India. Finally, the research intends to identify convergences and divergences in the strategies of these countries and how these proposals intervene in the Brazilians negotiation. (AU)

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