Scholarship 12/01586-6 - Anatomia vegetal, Estruturas secretoras em plantas - BV FAPESP
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Anatomy and phytochemistry of Aldama La Llave (Asteraceae - Heliantheae)species

Grant number: 12/01586-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Start date until: April 01, 2012
End date until: June 30, 2016
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Botany - Plant Morphology
Principal Investigator:Beatriz Appezzato da Glória
Grantee:Aline Bertolosi Bombo
Host Institution: Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Piracicaba , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):14/06851-5 - Glandular trichomes in Aldama la Llave species (Heliantheae - Asteraceae): structural and developmental aspects, BE.EP.DR


Asteraceae is one of the largest families with 1,620 genus and approximately 23,600 species. It has cosmopolitan distribution and origin center in South American. The success of the family in occupying several environments is related to the occurrence of secondary metabolites, to the morphology of the inflorescence and efficient dispersal mechanisms, and to the morphological variability found in their representatives. Heliantheae tribe is the second largest tribe of the family, with 189 genus and 1,500 species. Viguiera sensu lato (Viguiera Kunth) is one of the largest genus in the tribe, with approximately 180 species, exclusively American and with diversity centers in Mexico, Andes and Brazilian plateaus. This is not a monophyletic group and molecular studies have been carried out in order to clarify the phylogenetic relationships into the genus. Recently, the South American species were transferred to Aldama genus, however there are errors and nomenclatural omissions in that paper and complementary studies are needed, considering that the circumscription of the South American species are not well established. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify anatomical, morphological and chemical variations, which may be useful for distinguishing species. The species are Aldama bakeriana S.F. Blake E.E.Schill. & Panero (Viguiera bakeriana), A. discolor (Baker) E.E.Schill. & Panero (V. discolor), A. grandiflora (Gardner) E.E.Schill. & Panero (V. grandiflora) and A. squalida (S. Moore) E.E.Schill. & Panero (V. squalida), which are inserted in the same series (Grandiflorae) in the generic classification. They are endemic in Brazil and difficult to identify in vegetative state. It will be performed anatomical analyzes of the aerial and underground organs according to usual histological techniques, histochemical tests for detection of classes of compounds produced by these species and the synthesis sites of these compounds. Moreover, it will be performed analyzes in GC-SM and GC-FID to determine the chemical composition of the essential oils and extracts, obtained by hydrodistillation in Clevenger system and extraction with ethyl acetate, respectively.

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Scientific publications (7)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MUNIZ, L. F.; BOMBO, A. B.; FILARTIGA, A. L.; APPEZZATO-DA-GLORIA, B.. Can climate and soil conditions change the morpho-anatomy among individuals from different localities? A case study in Aldama grandiflora (Asteraceae). Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 78, n. 4, p. 706-717, . (10/51454-3, 12/01586-6, 12/02476-0)
BOMBO, ALINE BERTOLOSI; FILARTIGA, ARINAWA LIZ; GARCIA, VERA LUCIA; APPEZZATO-DA-GLORIA, BEATRIZ. Secretory structures in Aldama species (Heliantheae-Asteraceae): morphology, histochemistry and composition of essential oils. FLORA, v. 228, p. 39-49, . (12/02476-0, 12/01586-6, 10/51454-3)
FILARTIGA, A. L.; BOMBO, A. B.; GARCIA, V. L.; APPEZZATO-DA-GLORIA, B.. Belowground organs of four Brazilian Aldama (Asteraceae) species: Morphoanatomical traits and essential oil profile. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, v. 113, p. 150-159, . (12/02476-0, 12/01586-6, 10/51454-3)
BOMBO, ALINE BERTOLOSI; FILARTIGA, ARINAWA LIZ; APPEZZATO-DA-GLORIA, BEATRIZ. Solving taxonomic problems within the Aldama genus based on anatomical characters. Australian Journal of Botany, v. 64, n. 6, p. 501-512, . (12/02476-0, 12/01586-6, 10/51454-3)
FILARTIGA, ARINAWA LIZ; BOMBO, ALINE BERTOLOSI; GARCIA, VERA LUCIA; APPEZZATO-DA-GLORIA, BEATRIZ. Leaf and stem anatomy and essential oil composition of four Brazilian Aldama species (Asteraceae) and their taxonomic significance. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, v. 40, n. 2, p. 503-516, . (12/02476-0, 12/01586-6, 10/51454-3)
FILARTIGA, ARINAWA LIZ; BASSINELLO, VANESSA; FILIPPI, GUSTAVO MORTEAN; BOMBO, ALINE BERTOLOSI; APPEZZATO-DA-GLORIA, BEATRIZ. Secretory duct distribution and leaf venation patterns of Aldama species (Asteraceae) and their application in taxonomy. BOTANY, v. 94, n. 12, p. 1161-1170, . (12/02476-0, 12/01586-6, 10/51454-3)
MUNIZ, L. F.; BOMBO, A. B.; FILARTIGA, A. L.; APPEZZATO-DA-GLORIA, B.. Can climate and soil conditions change the morpho-anatomy among individuals from different localities? A case study in Aldama grandiflora (Asteraceae). Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 78, n. 4, p. 12-pg., . (12/01586-6, 12/02476-0, 10/51454-3)
Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
BOMBO, Aline Bertolosi. Anatomia e fitoquímica de espécies de Aldama La Llave (Heliantheae - Asteraceae). 2016. Doctoral Thesis - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Biologia Campinas, SP.

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