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The artificial life in network: new forms of political engagement in the digital age

Grant number: 12/05448-7
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): July 01, 2012
Effective date (End): June 30, 2013
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Political Science
Principal Investigator:Rafael de Paula Aguiar Araújo
Grantee:Phablo Gouvêa de Lima
Host Institution: Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo (ESP). Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo (FESPSP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


This research Project consists on an investigation of the effects of social media in the organization of recent anti-establishment movements on the web, which come in favor of new political action now a days. It refers to the launch of a new critical way to look at the manifestations of the digital age and the paradoxes of this reality. We seek to understand the organizational structure of these movements, which in close collaboration with technological devices result in new forms of political engagement, yet little explored. It takes into consideration at this context the large investments in technology during the development of capital, the globalization process and the possibility of new democratic ways. (AU)

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