Scholarship 12/18396-5 - Evolução vegetal, Filogenia - BV FAPESP
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Patterns of floral evolution in Trimezieae (Iridaceae)

Grant number: 12/18396-5
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Start date until: January 01, 2013
End date until: December 31, 2016
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Botany - Plant Taxonomy
Principal Investigator:Renato de Mello-Silva
Grantee:Juliana Lovo
Host Institution: Instituto de Biociências (IB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):14/00803-9 - Patterns of floral evolution in Trimezieae (Iridaceae), BE.EP.PD


Iridaceae are a morphologically distinctive and diverse family of monocotyledons. The flowers in the family vary greatly in shape, size and ornamentation and this diversity has been historically providing important taxonomic characters. Within tribe Trimezieae, style and stigma are especially diverse and elaborate structures widely used in the group taxonomy, usually associated to other floral characters such as shape and tepal ornamentations. However, the homology of these complex characters has never been investigated and recent molecular phyogenetic analyses have showed the genera are polyphyletic indicating also these morphological characters are actually highly homoplastic. The results demonstrate the urgency of examination in greater detail these morphological features allowing a better understand of their evolution and possible role in the tribe systematics. Moreover, investigate the functionality of such flower morphological traces, such as pollinators interactions, is crucial to better understanding how they evolved. For this reason, to integrate the development studies of flower structures to knowledge on flower biology within Trimezieae can help to elucidate the origin of morphological diversity in the tribe and Iridaceae as a whole. Within this context, the diversity and relatively restricted distribution of Trimezieae, a neotropical group centred in Brazil, makes it great a model to this kind of approach. The main goal of this study is to better understand patterns of floral evolution in Trimezieae and ultimately be able to determine appropriate characters/character states for delimiting clades. This will be achieved by associating ontogenetic studies of flower structures, to investigations on flower biology within the tribe, in a phyogenetic framework. New taxa and molecular characters will be added the previously existing phylogeny for Trimezieae, providing an appropriate framework for these approaches. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
LOVO, JULIANA; ALCANTARA, SUZANA; VASCONCELOS, THAIS N. C.; SAJO, MARIA DAS GRACAS; RUDALL, PAULA J.; PRENNER, GERHARD; AGUIAR, ANTONIO J. C.; MELLO-SILVA, RENATO. Evolutionary lability in floral ontogeny affects pollination biology in Trimezieae. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, v. 108, n. 5, p. 828-843, . (18/02191-1, 14/00803-9, 12/18396-5, 14/09131-3)
LOVO, JULIANA; MELLO-SILVA, RENATO. Two new species of Pseudotrimezia (Iridaceae) endemic to Diamantina Plateau, Minas Gerais, Brazil. PHYTOTAXA, v. 195, n. 2, p. 145-153, . (12/18396-5)

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