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The legitimacy issue on Kant's politics

Grant number: 12/23939-8
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Effective date (Start): April 01, 2013
Effective date (End): March 31, 2015
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Philosophy - Ethics
Principal Investigator:Maurício Cardoso Keinert
Grantee:Rodrigo Luiz Silva e Souza Tumolo
Host Institution: Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


This study aims to seek the mechanisms and conditions that legitimise the legal law on the scope of kantian politics. This research will be divided in three argumentative moments. The first one is related to groundworking the problem by proceeding the arguments of "Toward Perpetual Peace" about the origins of the State. Through the analysis of the mechanisms and reasons that guide to the State formation we aim to point some central questions on the kantian politics as the state of nature, the original contract, the juridical civil organisation of the state and the republicanism. The second argumentative moment, our first step is to promote the debate about the foundation of Law being internal or external. So we use the "Groundwork of Metaphysic of Morals" to rescue the concepts of autonomy of will, categorical imperative and the universalisation of maxim in order to expose how the moral law finds its legitimacy as well as if this procedure serves as example to be followed to legitimise the legal law. Finally, the last moment of this study is dedicated to think if there is a conflict between Law and ethics and how to solve it - how to articulate the legitimacy of the republicanism law (that comes from a political representation) to the law that comes from the autonomy of will.

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Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
TUMOLO, Rodrigo Luiz Silva e Souza. Autonomy and its expressions: the legitimacy issue on Kant\'s politics. 2016. Master's Dissertation - Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH/SBD) São Paulo.

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