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Genome variation of human cytomegalovirus: longitudinal and at birth analysis of viral strains from congenitally infected infants

Grant number: 13/26767-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Effective date (Start): February 01, 2014
Effective date (End): January 31, 2016
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine - Maternal and Child Health
Principal Investigator:Aparecida Yulie Yamamoto
Grantee:Glauciane Garcia de Figueiredo
Host Institution: Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (FMRP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Ribeirão Preto , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:13/06579-0 - Brazilian congenital cytomegalovirus, hearing and maternal secondary infection study (BraCHS Study), AP.TEM


The project "Genomic variation of cytomegalovirus (CMV) in congenitally infected infants" is linked to thematic project inserted into a master project entitled "Cytomegalovirus (CMV) vacines: reinfection and antigenic variation" supported by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, (NIAID) [GRANT AWARD 2RO1 HD061959-07A2] to William J. Britt. The main objective is to define the diversity of viral genomes present in longitudinally collected samples of infants with congenital CMV infection from birth to up 6 years of age. The development of this project will be conducted in two phases. The initial phase will be conducted in Brazil and the following step in University of Massachusetts , USA. In this second phase, a high throughput ("deep sequencing") sequencing technology will be performed in saliva and urine from congenitally infected newborn infants to analyze CMV genome. Direct sequencing produces limited numbers of reads that map to HCMV reference sequences. Genome-wide deep sequencing of CMV in clinical specimens is required to analyze HCMV population diversity and dynamics in infected hosts. The use of this robust technology could allow to obtain strong evidences to confirm a mixed population of CMV in congenitally infected infants.

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DE FIGUEIREDO, GLAUCIANE GARCIA; MARQUES, ADRIANA APARECIDA; MUSSI-PINHATA, MARISA MARCIA; SILVA, JR., WILSON ARAUJO; YAMAMOTO, APARECIDA YULIE. Is the mixture of human cytomegalovirus genotypes frequent in infants with congenital infection at birth in a high seroprevalence population?. Journal of Medical Virology, v. 90, n. 8, p. 1389-1397, . (13/26767-6)

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