Scholarship 13/25992-6 - Poesia, Amor - BV FAPESP
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The amorous lyricism and the poetic creation in Mário de Andrade

Grant number: 13/25992-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Start date until: November 01, 2014
End date until: July 10, 2016
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Literature - Brazilian Literature
Agreement: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)
Principal Investigator:Therezinha Apparecida Porto Ancona Lopez
Grantee:Cristiane Rodrigues de Souza
Host Institution: Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


When we examine the multiple facets of the arlequinal poet highlighted by critics, we can understand that the musical and the amorous facets of Mário de Andrade's poetry began to be constructed in Pauliceia desvairada (1922) and in Losango cáqui (1926); remain in Clã do jabuti (1927) and gain prominence in the mature phase of the author as in Remate de males (1930), "Livro azul" (1941), part of Poesias (1941), and Lira Paulistana (1945, posthumous publication of the following year). Groups of love poems from the books of 1930 and 1941 retake the musical structure of the popular dramatic dances, studied by the poet, approaching the steps of the myth of the demand that mark these ballets, as they were described by Northrop Frye in Anatomy of Criticism - agon (conflict), pathos (death), Sparagmos (dismemberment) and anagnórisis (recognition) -, steps that are also in Macunaíma, as remembers the study of José Miguel Wisnik, Dança dramática. The amorous verses of the poet reveals the looking for the definition of the complex and musical face of Brasil, whose popular rhythms are absorbed by the erudite poet. Moreover, the love poems show reflections on art creation, since the pursuit of the fusions of opposites elements of dramatic dances indicates the search for totality that can be achieved by artwork, as said by Schiller. Similarities between questions of aesthetics and the theme of love still justify the choice of the title O banquete in the book in which Mário de Andrade theoretical, among other considerations, ponders about poetic creation, while referring to the text of Plato. The perception of affinities between the poetic writing and the love in the verses of the poet entails the careful analysis of love poems of his mature phase, in contrast to the study of his first four modernist books. This analysis leads to an understanding of Mário de Andrade's poetic. (AU)

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