Scholarship 14/25474-8 - Síntese orgânica, Síntese assimétrica - BV FAPESP
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Synthesis and biological evualuation of Brevipolide A, Cryptomoskatone F1 and related compounds

Grant number: 14/25474-8
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate (Direct)
Start date until: April 01, 2015
End date until: October 31, 2019
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Chemistry - Organic Chemistry
Principal Investigator:Ronaldo Aloise Pilli
Grantee:Franco Della Felice
Host Institution: Instituto de Química (IQ). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):17/18487-4 - Synthesis and structural validation of phosdiecin A, BE.EP.DD


The research deals with the total syntheses of Brevipolide A and Cryptomoscatone F1, polyketides isolated from Hyptis brevipes and Cryptocarya mandiocanna, respectively. The interest to investigate the potential cytotoxic activity of these natural products, as well as of some ±, ²-unsaturated dihydropyran-2-ones to be prepared during this research, and the confirmation of the absolute configuration of Cryptomoscatone F1 by total synthesis are the main reasons for presenting this proposal. (AU)

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Scientific publications (5)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
-FELICE, FRANCO DELLA; SAROTTI, ARIEL M.; PILLI, RONALDO A.. Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis and Stereochemical Revision of (+)-Cryptoconcatone H. Journal of Organic Chemistry, v. 82, n. 17, p. 9191-9197, . (14/25474-8, 16/12541-4, 13/07607-8)
DELLA-FELICE, FRANCO; PILLI, RONALDO A.; SAROTTI, ARIEL M.. Computer-Guided Total Synthesis of Natural Products. Recent Examples and Future Perspectives. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 29, n. 5, p. 1041-1075, . (14/25474-8, 16/12541-4, 13/07607-8)
DELLA-FELICE, FRANCO; BARTOLOMEU, ALOISIO DE ANDRADE; PILLI, RONALDO ALOISE. The phosphate ester group in secondary metabolites. NATURAL PRODUCT REPORTS, v. 39, n. 5, p. 42-pg., . (16/12541-4, 14/25474-8, 19/13104-5, 13/07607-8, 20/07991-6)
DELLA-FELICE, FRANCO; SAROTTI, ARIEL M.; KRISCHE, MICHAEL J.; PILLI, RONALDO A.. Total Synthesis and Structural Validation of Phosdiecin A via Asymmetric Alcohol-Mediated Carbonyl Reductive Coupling. Journal of the American Chemical Society, v. 141, n. 35, p. 13778-13782, . (17/18487-4, 16/12541-4, 13/07607-8, 14/25474-8)
DELLA-FELICE, FRANCO; DE ASSIS, FRANCISCO F.; SAROTTI, ARIEL M.; PILLI, RONALDO A.. Palladium-Catalyzed Formation of Substituted Tetrahydropyrans: Mechanistic Insights and Structural Revision of Natural Products. SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART, v. 51, n. 7, p. 1545-1560, . (13/07607-8, 16/12541-4, 14/25474-8)
Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
FELICE, Franco Della. Síntese e avaliação estrutural de policetídeos tipo I isolados dos gêneros Hyptis, Cryptocarya e Streptomyces. 2019. Doctoral Thesis - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Química Campinas, SP.

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