Scholarship 15/22613-0 - Música antiga, Retórica musical - BV FAPESP
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HUMANIST AND MUSICAL PRECEPTIVES IN SIXTEENTH CENTURY TREATISES: a study of rhetorical representations of musical exercise in the Italian Renaissance.

Grant number: 15/22613-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate
Start date until: January 01, 2016
End date until: December 31, 2016
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Arts - Music
Principal Investigator:Monica Isabel Lucas
Grantee:Delphim Rezende Porto Junior
Supervisor: Giuseppe Gerbino
Host Institution: Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: Columbia University in the City of New York, United States  
Associated to the scholarship:14/26766-2 - Humanists and musicals preceptives in the sixteenth century's treatises: a study of rhetorical representations of musical exercise in the Italian Renaissance, BP.DR


The goal of this project is to describe the plan of activities to be performed over the course of internship at the Department of Music of Columbia University, New York. As it deals with unprecedented historical research based especially on the analysis of music writings published in the Italian and Latin languages throughout the 16th Century in Italy, our goal for this internship is to deepen the contextualization and recovery of the horizon of meaning of those works. We will particularly profit from the guidance of Prof. Giuseppe Gerbino, PhD, currently one of the most renowned researchers of the Italian Renaissance, in addition to the infrastructure and apparatus offered by the Columbia University Department of Music History and its Medieval and Renaissance Studies program, which enable research on primary sources. Additionally to the impressive collection of original works held by the Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts library, Columbia is especially distinguished for bringing together in excellence the significant theoretical and technical framework of the Old World and a strong exchange among various interested parties and experts from all over the world. Although there are studies of old musical treatises in Brazil - including the one we have previously presented in our Master's Degree, which encompasses the translation with commentaries of the relevant Il Transilvano (1593), by Girolamo Diruta - researchers of this small yet promising field still lack the possibility of promoting the necessary scientific debate among people involved in this area of knowledge and accessing a collection of original sources, particularly due to the singularity of our researched theme. The purpose of this internship is to significantly improve the topics of Chapters II and III of the original study based on the extensive bibliography of original sources, as well as other research on these sources, which are plentifully available at the specific libraries maintained by Columbia University for researchers of Renaissance music, which do not exist in Brazil. In addition to establishing an institutional dialog between both universities, this internship will foster the promotion and publication of the works produced here and vice versa.

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