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Production and maintenance voicing of /z/ in children with phonological disorder

Grant number: 15/09302-5
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): December 01, 2015
Effective date (End): November 30, 2016
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Speech Therapy
Principal Investigator:Haydée Fiszbein Wertzner
Grantee:Marina Luciano Kozik da Silva
Host Institution: Faculdade de Medicina (FM). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


The Speech Sound Disorders (SSD) its one of the most common difficulties in developing children and can be considered as a language impairment and is characterized by the inappropriate use of sounds, causing unintelligibility and has no defined cause. Your diagnosis should be made early, due to the reading and writing impairment that may appear as the child enters the literacy level without even having his speech difficulties. (Wertzner, 2003; 2004). Due to their heterogeneity as etiology and different degrees of severity and its prognosis, it is very important the correct diagnosis and appropriate intervention (Dodd e McIntosh, 2008; Wertzner 2003). Several tests can be applied, especially phonology wich identifies the disorder. To classify the phonological disorder, additional procedures should be applied and some of them use equipment. Some of these procedures are: acoustics analysis, electroglottography (EGG) and aerodynamic measures. All these are of great importance to improve the process of diagnosis of these speech and language disorder so common on children. Thus this study aims to describe the properties of fricative voiced and devoiced sounds /s/ e /z/ using acoustics analysis, electroglottography (EGG) and aerodynamic measures in children with Speech Sound Disorders (SSD) and with typical development of speech and language, aged between 5:0 and 7:11 years, speakers of Brazilian Portuguese (BP).

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