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Performance of percutaneous biopsy of sentinel lymph node axillary fragment detected by ultrasound contrast in the selection of cases with negative armpit or with minimal axillary lymph nodes in women with early breast cancer

Grant number: 15/22438-3
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): February 01, 2016
Effective date (End): January 31, 2018
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine - Maternal and Child Health
Principal Investigator:Rodrigo Menezes Jales
Grantee:Gabrielle Baccarin
Host Institution: Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher (CAISM). Hospital da Mulher Professor Doutor José Aristodemo Pinotti. Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil


The surgical approach to the axillary lymph nodes is useful for staging, determining the adjuvant treatment and locoregional control of breast cancer. However, its usefulness is limited in most patients with early tumors, in which they have been sought a more conservative approach axillary. Hence, dissection of axillary lymph nodes (DAL) is no longer recommended in cases in which surgical sample in axillary lymph nodes (LNST) is negative. More recently it is suggested that the DAL can also be omitted in patients with minimal axillary lymph nodes (lymph nodes metastases d 2). The association of percutaneous biopsy fragment ( PBF) sentinel lymph node ( SLN) identified by associated with contrast ultrasound ( CUS ) can improve the performance of ultrasound in the selection of cases with negative armpit or with minimal axillary lymph nodes and save some of them not only DAL as the LNST.

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SERQUIZ, NICOLI; MORO, LUCIANO; MENOSSI, CARLOS A.; ALMEIDA, NATALIE R.; BACCARIN, GABRIELLE; DE PAIVA SILVA, GEISILENE R.; SHINZATO, JULIA Y.; DERCHAIN, SOPHIE; JALES, RODRIGO M.. Perinodal fibrosis developed after ultrasonography-guided core-needle biopsy of a contrast-enhanced ultrasound-detected sentinel axillary node interferes with subsequent surgical sentinel node dissection. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND, v. 47, n. 8, . (15/22438-3)

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