Scholarship 18/01593-9 - Geografia urbana, Planejamento territorial urbano - BV FAPESP
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Centrality expansion and monopoly conditions in the São Paulo metropolis: the Arco Jurubatuba urban intervention project

Grant number: 18/01593-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Start date until: April 01, 2018
End date until: March 31, 2019
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Geography - Human Geography
Principal Investigator:César Ricardo Simoni Santos
Grantee:Gabriella Duarte Dantas de Biaggi
Host Institution: Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


This research project focuses on the current process of production of new urban centralities in the metropolis of São Paulo, dealing, more specifically, with the Arco Jurubatuba Urban Intervention Project. In it, we intend to investigate how new centralities are built through strategies that articulate political and economical interests, which are not immediately convergent. The notion of centrality used has as a characteristic and source of interest the monopoly conditions presented by central areas to the accumulation of capitals in real estate investments, which create the possibility of profit rates above the social average. The articulation of public and private agents in order to create those conditions and the role of urban planning in this process will be studied on the Arco Jurubatuba Urban Intervention Project (PIU ACJ). Elaborated by city councilman Milton Leite (DEM), this PIU was presented for public consultation in June of 2017 e aims to requalify the area located between the avenue Engenheiro Luís Carlos Berrini and the Interlagos racetrack. It's location and propositions of increasing constructive density and building infrastructure suggest the hypothesis to be investigated, that this PIU would be a way of attributing centrality conditions to a non-traditionally central area, expanding words the south the effects of the established centrality of the region of Marginal Pinheiros, avenues Faria Lima and Berrini. Therefore, this scientific initiation would integrate the broad range of researches that have the urban centralities of São Paulo as subject, but it's focus would be the necessary arrangements to the production of monopoly conditions in the real estate investments, addressing an Urban Intervention Project with grate chances of execution, which would have meaningful impacts. (AU)

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