Scholarship 17/16546-3 - Água doce, Raias - BV FAPESP
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Systematic and distribution of myxosporeans of Potamotrygonidae (Elasmobranchii, Myliobatiformes) in Amazon, Platina and Parnaíba river basins.

Grant number: 17/16546-3
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Start date until: September 01, 2018
End date until: May 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Fishery Resources and Fishery Engineering - Inland Water Fishery Resources
Principal Investigator:Edson Aparecido Adriano
Grantee:Maria Isabel Muller Formico
Host Institution: Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas (ICAQF). Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). Campus Diadema. Diadema , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):21/06692-8 - Transcriptomic analysis of genes related to biomineralization and motility in myxozoan parasites of fish, BE.EP.PD


The Potamotrygonidae is the family inside Chondrichthyes class exclusively from freshwater and are distributed in the most river basins that have drainage to the Atlantic Ocean, such as Amazônas-Orinoco, Paraguay-Paraná, Uruguay and Parnaíba river basins. The Myxozoa are obligatory cnidarian parasites divided into two classes: Malacosporea and Myxosporea. More than 2400 species are included in Myxosporea, the majority are fishes parasites inhabiting freshwater and marine environments. However, there are only a few studies on myxosporeans of cartilaginous fishes in the world, aproximately 130 reports worldwide. The taxonomy of the Myxozoa is traditionally made through morphological and molecular approaches. Molecular phylogenetic studies for this parasite group broadly use the ribosomal genes, especially the SSU rDNA (18S), and sometimes these genes present incipient results regarding the resolution of deep relationships within this group. Thereby there is an urgent need to test new approaches, e.g. phylogenomic using Ultraconserved Elements (UCEs). Ultraconserved elements have been widely used in systematics and phylogeography studies on vertebrates, and recently invertebrates, and the results have shown the opportunity to access subgenomics datasets capable of providing higher resolution to phylogenies different from the phylogenies with low quantity of markers from the Sanger methodology. Our primary goal is to study the systematic, biodiversity and distribution of myxosporeans sampled in freshwater stingrays of Potamotrygonidae family captured in the rivers Tapajós/Amazonas in the municipality of Santarém, State of Pará, Parnaíba river in the municipality of Teresina, State of Piauí and Miranda river, in the municipality of Corumbá, State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The studies will be held using morphological taxonomy with light and electronic microscopy, molecular approaches using traditional ribosomal markers (18S and ITS) and as an innovative approach, using the next generation sequencing with UCEs. The sequencing results will be used in phylogenetic inferences aiming to establish the relationships among myxosporeans from Potamotrygonidae with lineages from other elasmobranchs in a general evolutionary context of the group.

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Scientific publications (17)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MULLER, MARIA ISABEL; MORAIS, DRAUSIO HONORIO; DA COSTA, LORENA FREITAS SOUZA TAVARES; MELO, FRANCISCO TIAGO DE VASCONCELOS; GIESE, ELANE GUERREIRO; AVILA, ROBSON WALDEMAR; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE. Revisiting the taxonomy of Rhabdias fuelleborni Travassos, 1928 (Nematoda, Rhabdiasidae) with approaches to delimitation of species and notes on molecular phylogeny. Parasitology International, v. 92, p. 11-pg., . (17/16546-3)
SOUZA TAVARES-COSTA, LORENA FREITAS; REBELO, GABRIEL LIMA; MULLER, MARIA ISABEL; JESUS, RONALD FERREIRA; NANDYARA, BIANCA; OLIVEIRA SILVA, LEANDRO MAURICIO; COSTA-CAMPOS, CARLOS EDUARDO; DOS SANTOS, JEANNIE NASCIMENTO; MELO, FRANCISCO TIAGO DE VASCONCELOS. new species of Rhabdias (Nematoda: Rhabdiasidae), a lung parasite of Pristimantis chiastonotus (Anura: Strabomantidae) from the Brazilian Amazon: description and phylogenetic analyse. Parasitology Research, v. 121, n. 1, p. 155-166, . (17/16546-3)
ZAGO, ALINE CRISTINA; FRANCESCHINI, LIDIANE; ABDALLAH, VANESSA DORO; MULLER, MARIA ISABEL; AZEVEDO, RODNEY KOZLOWISKI; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE. orphological and molecular data of new species of Characithecium and Diaphorocleidus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from Neotropical characid fishe. Parasitology International, v. 84, . (15/11542-4, 15/11543-0, 16/07829-9, 12/07850-7, 16/21040-9, 11/23588-8, 17/16546-3)
CORREA, LINCOLN LIMA; SOARES, GEUSIVAM BARBOSA; MUELLER, MARIA ISABEL; ADRIANO, EDSON APARECIDO. First morphological and molecular characterization of the genus Eustrongylides nematode larvae infecting fish in the Brazilian Amazon. BIOLOGIA, v. 78, n. 10, p. 8-pg., . (17/17531-0, 16/22047-7, 17/16546-3)
MULLER, MARIA, I; NALDONI, JULIANA; CORREA, LINCOLN L.; ADRIANO, EDSON A.. Two novel species of Myxobolus parasitizing the gills of Semaprochilodus insignis in the Brazilian Amazon. Microbial Pathogenesis, v. 165, p. 7-pg., . (17/16546-3)
ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; MUELLER, MARIA ISABEL; UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; FERREIRA-SILVA, CRISTIANA; EMMERICH, ENZO; GIESE, ELANE GUERREIRO; MORAIS, DRAUSIO HONORIO; SANTOS, ANDRE LUIZ QUAGLIATTO; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA; SILVA, REINALDO JOSE. Integrative taxonomy in the genus Rhabdias Stiles et Hassall, 1905 from anuran in Brazil, description of two new species and phylogenetic analyses. Parasitology International, v. 93, p. 12-pg., . (18/09623-4, 17/16546-3)
REBELO, GABRIEL LIMA; SANTOS, ANA NUNES; TAVARES-COSTA, LORENA FREITAS SOUZA; DIAS-SOUZA, MARCOS ROBERTO; MUELLER, MARIA ISABEL; JESUS, RONALD FERREIRA; COSTA-CAMPOS, CARLOS EDUARDO; DOS SANTOS, JEANNIE NASCIMENTO; MELO, FRANCISCO TIAGO DE VASCONCELOS. Morphological and molecular characterization of Cosmocercoides amapari n. sp. (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae), parasitic in hylid frogs from the Brazilian Amazon. Parasitology, v. N/A, p. 11-pg., . (17/16546-3)
PELEGRINI, LARISSA SBEGHEN; GIAO, THAYANA; MIRANDOLA DIAS VIEIRA, DIEGO HENRIQUE; MULLER, MARIA ISABEL; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE; PEREZ-PONCE DE LEON, GERARDO; DE AZEVEDO, RODNEY KOZLOWISKI; ABDALLAH, VANESSA DORO. Molecular and morphological characterization of the metacercariae of two species of diplostomid trematodes (Platyhelminthes, Digenea) in freshwater fishes of the Batalha River, Brazil. Parasitology Research, v. 118, n. 7, p. 2169-2182, . (14/12862-0, 12/23655-0, 17/16546-3)
MUELLER, MARIA I.; FIGUEREDO, RAYLINE T. A.; ATKINSON, STEPHEN D.; BARTHOLOMEW, JERRI L.; ADRIANO, EDSON A.. Henneguya correai n. sp. (Cnidaria, Myxozoa) Parasitizing the Fins of the Amazonian Fish Semaprochilodus insignis. DIVERSITY-BASEL, v. 15, n. 6, p. 11-pg., . (17/16546-3, 19/17427-3, 21/06692-8, 18/24980-8)
FADEL YAMADA, PRISCILLA DE OLIVEIRA; MUELLER, MARIA ISABEL; ZAGO, ALINE CRISTINA; YAMADA, FABIO HIDEKI; EBERT, MARIANA BERTHOLDI; FRANCESCHINI, LIDIANE; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE. Three New Species of Jainus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) Parasitizing Gills of Brazilian Freshwater Fishes Supported by Morphological and Molecular Data & DAG;. DIVERSITY-BASEL, v. 15, n. 5, p. 19-pg., . (21/12779-9, 15/11543-0, 16/07829-9, 14/14298-4, 17/16546-3, 15/11542-4, 12/07850-7, 11/22603-3, 20/05412-9, 11/23588-8)
OSAKI-PEREIRA, MELISSA MIYUKI; NARCISO, RODRIGO BRAVIN; MIRANDOLA DIAS VIEIRA, DIEGO HENRIQUE; MUELLER, MARIA ISABEL; EBERT, MARIANA BERTHOLDI; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE. Molecular phylogeny of two Rhinoxenus species (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from the nasal cavities of serrasalmids (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) from Brazil. Systematic Parasitology, v. 100, n. 5, p. 10-pg., . (21/12779-9, 17/16546-3, 19/19060-0, 20/05412-9, 19/26831-2)
FIGUEREDO, RAYLINE T. A.; MULLER, MARIA I.; LONG, PAUL F.; ADRIANO, EDSON A.. Myxozoan Ceratomyxids Infecting the Gallbladder of Amazonian Ornamental Cichlid Fish: Description of Ellipsomyxa santarenensis n. sp. and Report of Ceratomyxa amazonensis in a New Host. DIVERSITY-BASEL, v. 15, n. 7, p. 14-pg., . (17/16546-3, 19/17427-3)
E. P. ALCANTARA; L. P. ÚNGARI; M. I. MÜLLER; C. FERREIRA-SILVA; E. EMMERICH; L. H. O'DWYER; R. J. SILVA. Posição filogenética de Gorgoderina parvicava Travassos, 1922 (Digenea: Gorgoderidae), parasita de Leptodactylus labyrinthicus (Spix, 1824) (Anura: Leptodactylidae) no Brasil. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 82, . (17/16546-3, 19/25223-9, 18/09623-4)
ALCANTARA, E. P.; EBERT, M. B.; MULLER, M., I; UNGARI, L. P.; FERREIRA-SILVA, C.; EMMERICH, E.; SANTOS, A. L. Q.; O'DWYER, L. H.; DA SILVA, R. J.. First molecular assessment on Cosmocerca spp. from Brazilian anurans and description of a new species of Cosmocerca (Ascaridomorpha: Cosmocercoidea) from the white-spotted humming frog Chiasmocleis albopunctata (Boettger, 1885) (Anura: Microhylidae). JOURNAL OF HELMINTHOLOGY, v. 96, p. 8-pg., . (17/16546-3, 18/09623-4)
MULLER, MARIA ISABEL; EMMERICH, ENZO; DE ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; EBERT, MARIANA BERTHOLDI; MORAIS, DRAUSIO HONORIO; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE. First molecular assessment of two digenean parasites of the lancehead snake Bothrops moojeni Hoge, 1966 (Serpentes, Viperidae) in Brazil. Parasitology Research, v. 120, n. 3, . (18/09623-4, 18/00754-9, 17/16546-3)

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