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Identification of key proteins in cadmium tolerance: proteomic analysis of Cd tolerant and sensitive tomato cultivars, and reciprocally grafted plants

Grant number: 18/20706-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate
Effective date (Start): June 01, 2019
Effective date (End): May 31, 2020
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Agronomy
Principal Investigator:Ricardo Antunes de Azevedo
Grantee:Deyvid Novaes Marques
Supervisor: Hirofumi Nakagami
Host Institution: Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Piracicaba , SP, Brazil
Research place: Max Planck Society, Munich, Germany  
Associated to the scholarship:17/05544-0 - Study of the cadmium uptake kinetics and accumulation in tomato cultivars, BP.DR


Cadmium (Cd) is a widespread environmental and non-biodegradable pollutant, whose increased concentration over the last decades is related to anthropogenic activities. Cd can affect both human health and plant production. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is used both as model for genetics studies and high socioeconomic relevance crop. Our work integrates the pioneer group in Brazil focusing on the response of plants to heavy metals and has been using several approaches to identify mechanisms of Cd tolerance in tomato plants, including evaluation of vegetative traits and chlorophyll content, Cd accumulation in roots, stems and leaves, studies on antioxidant enzymes, and quantitation of phytochelatins (which promotes vacuolar sequestration of Cd). Also, we have recently studied, for the first time, the Cd uptake kinetics in tomato cultivars. The aim of this project is to perform proteomics analysis in leaves of Cd tolerant and sensitive tomato cultivars, and in reciprocally grafted plants, under Cd stress conditions, in order to provide more information on Cd-tolerance mechanisms. Therefore, we propose a partnership with Dr. Hirofumi Nakagami (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Germany), who is a reference for researchers that study plant proteomics. This project is relevant because it will help us to provide new insights into the influence of sensitive and tolerant rootstock on the leaf proteome of tomato plants under Cd stress. Also, the identification of Cd tolerance mechanisms can be used in crop managing and plant breeding programs. In addition, proteomic studies using grafted tomato genotypes and published in high impact scientific journal are non-existent. In this context, we will publish a pioneering study using proteomics in tomato genotypes grafted reciprocally under Cd stress conditions.

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Scientific publications (5)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MARQUES, DEYVID NOVAES; STOLZE, SARA CHRISTINA; HARZEN, ANNE; NOGUEIRA, MARINA LIMA; BATAGIN-PIOTTO, KATHERINE DERLENE; PIOTTO, FERNANDO ANGELO; MASON, CHASE; AZEVEDO, RICARDO ANTUNES; NAKAGAMI, HIROFUMI. omparative phosphoproteomic analysis of tomato genotypes with contrasting cadmium toleranc. Plant Cell Reports, v. 40, n. 10, . (16/05788-3, 20/12666-7, 18/20706-9, 16/14349-3, 17/05544-0)
MARQUES, DEYVID NOVAES; MASON, CHASE; STOLZE, SARA CHRISTINA; HARZEN, ANNE; NAKAGAMI, HIROFUMI; SKIRYCZ, ALEKSANDRA; PIOTTO, FERNANDO ANGELO; AZEVEDO, RICARDO ANTUNES. Grafting systems for plant cadmium research: Insights for basic plant physiology and applied mitigation. Science of The Total Environment, v. 892, p. 18-pg., . (22/11018-7, 21/06117-3, 20/12666-7, 17/05544-0, 18/22671-8, 18/20706-9)
MARQUES, DEYVID NOVAES; NOGUEIRA, MARINA LIMA; GAZIOLA, SALETE APARECIDA; BATAGIN-PIOTTO, KATHERINE DERLENE; FREITAS, NATALIA CHAGAS; ALCANTARA, BERENICE KUSSUMOTO; PAIVA, LUCIANO VILELA; MASON, CHASE; PIOTTO, FERNANDO ANGELO; AZEVEDO, RICARDO ANTUNES. New insights into cadmium tolerance and accumulation in tomato: Dissecting root and shoot responses using cross-genotype grafting. Environmental Research, v. 216, p. 14-pg., . (20/12666-7, 22/11018-7, 17/05544-0, 18/20706-9, 21/06117-3, 16/05788-3, 16/14349-3)
NOGUEIRA, MARINA LIMA; CARVALHO, MARCIA EUGENIA AMARAL; FERREIRA, JOAO MARCOS MARTINS; BRESSANIN, LETICIA APARECIDA; PIOTTO, KATHERINE DERLENE BATAGIN; PIOTTO, FERNANDO ANGELO; MARQUES, DEYVID NOVAES; BARBOSA, SANDRO; AZEVEDO, RICARDO ANTUNES. admium-induced transgenerational effects on tomato plants: A gift from parents to progenie. Science of The Total Environment, v. 789, . (16/05788-3, 18/20706-9, 20/00133-4, 17/05544-0)
FERREIRA BARROS, NICOLLE LOUISE; MARQUES, DEYVID NOVAES; ARAUJO TADAIESKY, LORENE BIANCA; BATISTA DE SOUZA, CLAUDIA REGINA. Halophytes and other molecular strategies for the generation of salt-tolerant crops. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, v. 162, p. 581-591, . (18/20706-9, 17/05544-0)

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