Scholarship 18/23425-0 - Literatura brasileira, Literatura argentina - BV FAPESP
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Towards an Inter-American comparativism: sources for a social and comparative history of literary relationships between Brazil and Argentina

Grant number: 18/23425-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Post-doctor
Start date until: February 01, 2019
End date until: January 31, 2020
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Literature - Comparative Literature
Principal Investigator:Sergio Miceli Pessoa de Barros
Grantee:Davidson de Oliveira Diniz
Supervisor: Marcela Silvina Croce
Host Institution: Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina  
Associated to the scholarship:16/26250-1 - Towards an Inter-American comparativism: sources for a social and comparative history of literary relationships between Brazil and Argentina, BP.PD


In this project I intend to systematize the theoretical and methodological guidelines for a historiographical study, of comparative base, of the Argentine and the Brazilian literature. I start from the notions of transnational and interliterarity, operating concepts that emphasize the literary contacts, language negotiations, border relations, finally, the cultural interaction in supranational thickness. The corpus of this research are the Argentine and the Brazilian literary systems, their dialogues, conflicts and inter-relationships over the typical historical process of modernity in Latin America. To achieve the goals, I will start from the study of sources in order to organize and analyze a actions index and literary productions, showing the gradual process of rapprochement between the literatures of Argentina and Brazil in the 20th century and in the 21st century. The index, aiming a elaboration of a a comparative history of the Brazilian and Argentine literature, will contain: a) the literary actions and the intellectual dialogue of writers in their displacements and contacts between the two countries; b) the publishing projects, ie, books (essay and artistic creation), audiobooks, journals, anthologies, collections, special issues of journals, newspaper columns, among other projects of print and digital kind; c) the academic projects (teaching / research) and inter-institutional agreements between universities and research institutions in both countries. At the first stage of the research I will set a bibliographic corpus that allows mapping the moments of inflections in the relationship between the literary systems. Later, I will define the theoretical and methodological path that justify the historiographical and comparative procedure of this work. Following, I will proceed by processing sources, ending with a historiographical proposal of comparative and interliterary base.Thus, it is expected to achieve what Pascale Casanova (2002:17) called "whole of the composition", that is, an analytial framework in which "the singularity of individual literary works therefore becomes manifest only against the background of the overall structure in which they take their place". Keyword: Social History; Comparative History of Literature; Inter-American Literary Relations; Brazilian and Argentina LiteraturesResearch line: Social History of Intellectuals in Latin America

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