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Representations of the difference and digital media: the advertising of cosmetics for kinky hairs and curly hairs

Grant number: 19/01184-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Effective date (Start): September 01, 2019
Effective date (End): April 30, 2021
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Sociology - Other specific Sociologies
Principal Investigator:Priscila Martins de Medeiros
Grantee:Karina de Camargo
Host Institution: Centro de Educação e Ciências Humanas (CECH). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil


The present project has as object of study the advertising strategies of the company Salon Line directed to the sale of products destined to the care of curly and curly hair and that are transmitted through platforms of social networks in the internet. The overall objective of the project is to understand the practices of representing the difference in the context of digital media in Brazil through the analysis of these advertising strategies. Thus, the project orientation aims to achieve two specific objectives as: analyze the different practices of representing the difference by identifying the similarities and distances between the materials served by the official Salon Line brand on the social network platform Facebook and the materials served by the #todecacho line of the same company; to analyze how the advertising strategy of the #todecacho line is related to the capillary transition and to the groups of mutual help in the digital media, aiming to understand if and how articulate own discourses to these phenomena, reiterating or not, racialized and stereotyped forms of representation. In order to achieve these objectives, an ethnography will be carried out through digital media, combined with content analysis techniques, structured interviews and, in theoretical terms, the postcolonial studies and studies on digital media uses will be mobilized. (AU)

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