Scholarship 19/19557-1 - Filmes, Cinema - BV FAPESP
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Are the expert's reviews affecting film consumption so deeply? An investigation on the USA movies market

Grant number: 19/19557-1
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research
Start date until: April 16, 2020
End date until: July 14, 2020
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Economics - Quantitative Methods Applied to Economics
Principal Investigator:Marislei Nishijima
Grantee:Marislei Nishijima
Host Investigator: Ivan Fernández-Val
Host Institution: Instituto de Relações Internacionais (IRI). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: Boston University (BU), United States  


We investigate whether experts' critic reviews affect the US film box office. Considering the huge decentralized dissemination of information by online social networks, the motivation is to verify whether the experts still keep their role as relevant influencers, since consumers have taken a leading role in the dissemination of film quality information on the online forums. For this purpose, we employ discontinuity regression models on experts' assessments using annual information collected from the Rotten Tomatoes and Box Office Mojo websites for 2007-2018 to identify the influence effect. (AU)

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