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Management of borate fertilization in cotton crop in different production environments

Grant number: 21/02869-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): August 01, 2021
Effective date (End): December 31, 2024
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Agronomy - Crop Science
Principal Investigator:Samuel Ferrari
Grantee:João Vitor Cordeiro Malenowtch
Host Institution: Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Tecnológicas. Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Dracena. Dracena , SP, Brazil


The management of doses and sources of boron in cotton crops is still poorly understood, especially when related to soils of different textures. Thus, it is believed that the use of controlled-release sources is the best option, especially in sandy soils, but without scientific evidence. The objective of this study will be to evaluate the nutrition and yield of cotton according to the sources and doses of boron in sandy and clayey soils. Two field experiments will be conducted, one in Dracena - SP and the other in Chapadão do Sul - MS. The experimental design will be in randomized blocks, in a split-plot scheme, with four replications. The plots will be occupied by boron sources (Ulexite, Boric acid, Granubor). And the subplots will consist of boron doses (0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 kg ha-1), which will be applied to the 25 DAE via soil. Leaves will be collected three times during the crop cycle to assess the boron content of the leaves. Depending on the physiological maturity of the plant, the production components (number and weight of bolls) and yield will be evaluated, in addition to the quality of the cotton fiber. The data will be subjected to analysis of variance and then to polynomial regression analysis for the quantitative factor and Tukey's test for the qualitative factor. (AU)

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