Scholarship 21/05144-7 - Química atmosférica, Gases do efeito estufa - BV FAPESP
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Evaluation of the potential of methane in the chain of greenhouse gas emissions in the metropolitan region of São Paulo

Grant number: 21/05144-7
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Start date until: July 01, 2021
End date until: December 31, 2021
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Meteorology
Principal Investigator:Eduardo Landulfo
Grantee:Thaís Andrade da Silva
Host Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN). Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico (São Paulo - Estado). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:16/18438-0 - São Paulo Metropolitan Area, jointly tracking climate change and air quality - METROCLIMA-MASP, AP.PFPMCG.TEM


The objective would be to analyze the atmospheric behavior of CH4 and pollution to relate them to the problems of air quality and greenhouse effect, according to the measurements at the stations. The measurement was performed by the equipment at each station, gathering data and making them ready for analysis. (AU)

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