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Microbiological and fadA family analysis in root canals and periapical lesions of teeth with secondary infection and their relation with the levels of proinflammatory cytokines and MMPs

Grant number: 17/25090-3
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Effective date (Start): October 01, 2021
Effective date (End): November 30, 2024
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Dentistry - Endodontics
Principal Investigator:Brenda Paula Figueiredo de Almeida Gomes
Grantee:Juliana Delatorre Bronzato
Host Institution: Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba (FOP). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Piracicaba , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:15/23479-5 - Microbiomes and immunobiological aspects in endodontic infections, AP.TEM
Associated scholarship(s):23/14724-2 - Next-generation sequencing: in silico study of periapical lesion microbiome, resistome, and mobilome., BE.EP.PD


One of the causes of endodontic treatment failure is a secondary/persistent infection, being Fusobacterium nucleatum, one of the most of the Gram-negative strict anaerobic bacteria frequently found in these cases. F. nucleatum has been shown to invade human epithelial and endothelial cells via FadA adhesin, and consequently alter the human cell cycle, for example by promoting the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and metaloproteinases (MMPs). Thus, the present study aims to evaluate the importance of F. nucleatum in these infections, in relation to the presence of the fadA family and its potential pro-inflammatory effect in root canals and periapical lesions. Patients who need endodontic retreatment due to the failure of the previous treatment with periapical lesion (n = 10) and patients who have undergone endodontic retreatment once, but who have failed again and are indicated for parendodontic surgery for the removal of the periapical lesion (n = 10), will be selected. As a control group, patients with the need for endodontic treatment by prosthetic indication in teeth with pulp vitality (n = 10) will be selected. Samples from the root canals will be collected at three different stages of the endodontic retreatment (before, after chemomechanical preparation and after intracanal medicament) and their DNA extracted. Samples from the periapical lesion will be collected once during the parendodontic surgery. After, 16S rRNA primers will be designed for F.nucleatum and fadA family for gene amplification. Confirmation of the desired gene presence will occur by a band on the electrophoresis gel with the respective expected size. Samples for the measurement of cytokines IL-1±, IL-1², TNF±, and MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-8, MMP-9, MMP-13 will be quantified at the different stages of the retreatment, using specific kits for determination in human samples by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The antimicrobial susceptibility of Fusobacterium strains isolated and sequenced will be evaluated through Etest. The values obtained will be tabulated and statistically analyzed. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (6)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
BARBARA S. FONTANEZI; JULIANA D. BRONZATO; NELSON T. MOHARA; ADRIANA DE-JESUS-SOARES; MARCOS FROZONI. Assessment of the root surface temperature during the use of intracanal agitation systems: In vitro study. Brazilian Dental Journal, v. 34, n. 4, p. 44-53, . (17/25090-3)
SOUSA, DENISE L.; ARAUJO, REBECCA B. R.; GOMES, BRENDA P. F. A.; BRONZATO, JULIANA D.; DUQUE, THAIS M.; GONDIM, JULIANA O.; MOREIRA-NETO, JOSE J. S.. Microbiological analysis of root canals of primary teeth with pulp necrosis caused by caries or trauma. GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ENDODONZIA, v. 36, n. 1, p. 8-pg., . (17/25090-3)
ALVES-SILVA, ESDRAS GABRIEL; ARRUDA-VASCONCELOS, RODRIGO; LOUZADA, LIDIANE MENDES; DE-JESUS-SOARES, ADRIANA; FERRAZ, CAIO CEZAR RANDI; ALMEIDA, JOSE FLAVIO AFFONSO; MARCIANO, MARINA ANGELICA; STEINER-OLIVEIRA, CAROLINA; SANTOS, JOAO MIGUEL MARQUES; GOMES, BRENDA P. F. A.. Effect of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy on the reduction of bacteria and virulence factors in teeth with primary endodontic infection. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, v. 41, p. 8-pg., . (19/19300-0, 17/25090-3)
JÉSSICA RODRIGUES RAMOS; JULIANA DELATORRE BRONZATO; ELOA CRISTINA BICEGO-PEREIRA; ADRIANA DE-JESUS-SOARES; MARINA ANGELICA MARCIANO; JOSÉ FLÁVIO AFFONSO ALMEIDA; CAIO CEZAR RANDI FERRAZ; BRENDA PAULA FIGUEIREDO DE ALMEIDA GOMES. Prevalence and reasons for referrals to the Endodontics Specialty Clinic at the Piracicaba Dental School. Brazilian Oral Research, v. 38, . (21/13871-6, 15/23479-5, 17/25090-3)
GODOI-JR, EDERALDO P.; BRONZATO, JULIANA D.; FRANCISCO, PRISCILA A.; BICEGO-PEREIRA, ELOA C.; LOPES, ERICA M.; PASSINI, MAICON R. Z.; DE-JESUS-SOARES, ADRIANA; ALMEIDA, JOSE F. A.; MARCIANO, MARINA A.; FERRAZ, CAIO C. R.; et al. Microbiological profile of root canals indicated for endodontic retreatment due to secondary endodontic infections or for prosthetic reasons. CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS, v. 27, n. 5, p. 16-pg., . (19/14448-0, 17/16516-7, 17/25090-3, 21/13871-6, 21/14570-0)
CHIARELLI-NETO, VITO M.; DE AVEIRO, EMELLY; BRONZATO, JULIANA D.; ARRUDA-VASCONCELOS, RODRIGO; LOUZADA, LIDIANE M.; GODOI, EDERALDO P.; LOPES, ERICA M.; DE-JESUS-SOARES, ADRIANA; FERRAZ, CAIO C. R.; ALMEIDA, JOSE F. A.; et al. Clinical evaluation of culturable bacteria, endotoxins and lipoteichoic acid in teeth with vital normal pulp tissues. AUSTRALIAN ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, v. N/A, p. 9-pg., . (21/13871-6, 15/23479-5, 19/14448-0, 21/14570-0, 17/25242-8, 17/25090-3, 19/19300-0)

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