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Teachers' self-perception on voice preventive action: speech therapy orientations during the COVID-19 pandemic

Grant number: 21/13510-3
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): April 01, 2022
Effective date (End): March 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Speech Therapy
Principal Investigator:Nair Katia Nemr
Grantee:Glauciene Amaral Martins
Host Institution: Faculdade de Medicina (FM). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


Teachers have a higher prevalence of voice disorders than the general population, leading to economic, occupational, personal and social impacts. During the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers had to reorganize and adapt to emergency remote teaching, resulting in negative impact on the voice of a part of these professionals. In this context, a preventive action was developed at the LIF-Voz of FMUSP, by sending two videos containing orientations about voice and communication. It is now necessary to understand the effectiveness of this action. The hypothesis is that the orientations present in the videos have stimulated self-perception and helped in possible changes with positive impacts on the voice and communication of the teachers that watched them. Objective. To understand the impact of a preventive action on voice, performed with audiovisual resources during the Covid-19 pandemic, on self-perception of Brazilian teachers and whether they have inserted the orientations into their daily occupational routine. Methods. A cross-sectional quantitative research will be developed from the elaboration of a questionnaire containing open and closed questions. This will be sent to 1081 teachers who participated in a previous research via e-mail. Analysis of results. A descriptive quantitative analysis will be carried out and, depending on the results, an inferential analysis will be performed.(AU)

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