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Bidirectional AC-DC converter operating as AC or DC grid former in hybrid microgrid

Grant number: 21/10349-7
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Effective date (Start): March 01, 2022
Effective date (End): October 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Industrial Electronics, Electronic Systems and Controls
Principal Investigator:Jose Antenor Pomilio
Grantee:Victor Cordeiro de Arruda
Host Institution: Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação (FEEC). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:16/08645-9 - Interdisciplinary research activities in electric smart grids, AP.TEM


This Project is in the context of the necessary technologies to implement microgrid energy systems. The project will develop a three-phase bidirectional inverter/rectifier with capability to operate in a hybrid DC-AC microgrid. Besides allowing the power flow between the different busbars, the converter will operate as an AC grid former or as a DC grid former (it will have both functions). In the AC side, the control variable can be the grid voltage (operating as an AC grid former). In the DC side, which will have a bipolar structure, the voltages must be regulated. The application foresees a 220V AC connection, and in the DC side, a 340V (bipolar +170 V, GND, -170V). This voltages levels, established to provide the feeding of AC electronic loads directly in the DC grid, presents a small difference between the DC voltage and the AC voltage peak, this implies limitations in the dynamic response of the current control. In this scenario, it was chosen to control the converter using Model Predictive Control - MPC, which, by using the converter model and by the definition of a cost function, is possible to provide a better dynamic performance by choosing the control signals that minimizes a cost function. Topics like robustness and stability of this converter using hybrid microgrids is not approached yet, implying in opportunities of relevant academic contribution. This implementation will be made in the Smart Grid Laboratory of University of Campinas (Unicamp), inside the thematic project "Interdisciplinary Research in Smart Grid Networks".

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(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
ARRUDA, Victor Cordeiro de. Controle por modelo preditivo de conversor trifásico de quatro braços bidirecional operando como formador de rede CA ou CC. 2023. Master's Dissertation - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação Campinas, SP.

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