Scholarship 22/03722-6 - Antroponímia, Etimologia - BV FAPESP
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Immigration Paths: Storytelling Surname

Grant number: 22/03722-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate
Start date until: October 18, 2022
End date until: July 17, 2023
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Linguistics - Historical Linguistics
Principal Investigator:Mário Eduardo Viaro
Grantee:Letícia Santos Rodrigues
Supervisor: Graça Maria de Oliveira e Silva Rio-Torto
Host Institution: Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: Universidade de Coimbra (UC), Portugal  
Associated to the scholarship:19/20331-8 - Immigration paths: storytelling surname, BP.DR


Since the opening of the ports in 1808, a vast immigration flow began in Brazil, culminating in the Great Immigration period. This study seeks to analyze, through dated corpora, Portuguese surnames part of the Brazilian onomastic framework in order to compose a dictionary of Portuguese surnames in use in Brazil. This investigation operates with Onomastics, Lexicon, Lexicography, Etymology, Philology, and Historical Linguistics concepts. Such surnames were not randomly chosen and, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), they refer to the Portuguese as the second-largest immigrant group in Brazil. In addition, Portugal, as Brazil's colonizer, has bequeathed legacies to the anthroponymic lexicon. Therefore, accessing and analyzing a proper Portuguese corpus is of great interest to this research. Besides its onomastic and linguistic relevance, this data should make a significant historical, political, and sociocultural contribution once it deals with passports of Portuguese immigrants who came to Brazil between the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries. This material is stored by the University of Coimbra Archive, composed of several funds, among them, the one referring to the Civil Government Fund of Coimbra, which, in terms of passports, corresponds to the accumulation dates from 1835 to 1929. Last but not least, the BEPE grant also provides abroad supervision offered by Graça Maria Rio-Torto, professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra and a great specialist in Portuguese Linguistics, namely concerning Morphology and the Lexicon. (AU)

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