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Fundação de São Paulo, by Oscar Pereira da Silva: trajectories of an urban image

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Michelli Cristine Scapol Monteiro
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU/SBI)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Paulo César Garcez Marins; Ana Lucia Duarte Lanna; John Manuel Monteiro
Advisor: Paulo César Garcez Marins

The theme of this dissertation is the study of the social circuit of a historical painting with a urban representation motif. It discusses the painting Fundação de São Paulo, concluded by the Brazilian painter Oscar Pereira da Silva in 1907, and belonging to the collection of the University of São Paulo\'s Museu Paulista (São Paulo Museum). Produced in a moment in which the political and economic success of the São Paulo ruling upper classes was associated with the construction of a heroic past for the São Vicente and São Paulo captaincies, this painting integrates itself with the production process of iconographical representations that intended to offer a visual narrative for this past. Its museumization permitted a continuous social appropriation process, that allowed its integration with the São Paulo state\'s and city\'s imagery. To browse through this painting\'s content (composed by its conception/production, exposition, critic fortune, aquisition, museumization and reproduction) is this work\'s goal, since the picture is one of the main sustainment of the representation of founding moments in urban spaces produced in republican Brazil, and keystone to the images\' corpus that supported an imagery for the country, the state and the city. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 10/02865-0 - Fundação da cidade de São Paulo, by Oscar Pereira da Silva: dimensions of the urban representation in the traffic of a historical painting
Grantee:Michelli Cristine Scapol Monteiro
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master