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Ana Maria Percebom Sette da Silva

CV Lattes

Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Química (IQ)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) since 2015. Recipient of the "Young Scientist of Our State" and "Young Researcher of Rio de Janeiro" awards by FAPERJ. Winner of the Hans Viertler Award for Young Scientists granted by the Brazilian Chemical Society in 2021. Coordinator of the Macromolecules Nanoparticles Laboratory (MN Lab), where Basic Science is extremely important for the development of Applied Science. The research in Physical Chemistry of Colloids aims at a better understanding of the phenomena in order to apply them in the most diverse areas, such as: cosmetics, oil gas, catalysis, biomedical applications, etc.BS degree (2007) in Chemistry and Ph.D. degree in Sciences (2012) from UNICAMP. Post-doctoral researcher at BioNanoPlasmonics Lab Spain (2014-2015). She has extensive experience with polymers and surfactants, liquid crystals, nanoparticles, micellar systems, and emulsions. She is a specialist in light scattering techniques (SLS and DLS) and X-rays (SAXS) and has experience in other techniques for characterization of colloids and nanomaterials (tensiometry, rheology, calorimetry, etc.).She teaches online continuing education courses in cosmetics and in-company trainings for companies in several sectors related to colloids (cosmetics, crop, oil gas, and food). She also works on scientific communication for lay people through @macro.nano.lab, which has over 21k followers. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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