Juarez Lopes Ferreira da Silva - Research Supported by FAPESP
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Juarez Lopes Ferreira da Silva


Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto de Química de São Carlos (IQSC)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Graduated in Physics (Bachelor's Degree) from the Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil (1991-1994). Master of Science in Solid State Physics, by the Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (1995-1997), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. José Roberto Leite. PhD in Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) from the Technical University of Berlin and the Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max-Planck Society, Berlin, Germany (1998-2002), under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Mathias Scheffler. Postdoc I at the Institute of Solid State Physics, Juelich Research Center, Juelich, Germany (2002-2004). Postdoctoral II at the Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany (2004-2006). Associate Researcher (postdoctoral fellow III) at the Center for Basic Science, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, United States (2006-2009). After 11 years working abroad (8 years in Germany and 3 years in the United States), he returned to Brazil in August 2009, where he was a Young Researcher - FAPESP (postdoctoral IV) at the Institute of Physics of São Carlos, University from São Paulo, from 08/01/2009 to 05/17/2012, São Carlos, Brazil. University Professor in Full Dedication to Teaching and Research at the Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, since 05/18/2022 -- PhD Professor (MS-3, 05/2012-07/2022), Associate Professor (MS-5, 07/2022-Present). In 2013, he obtained a level 2 CNPq productivity scholarship (Chemistry), promoted to Level 1C (Chemistry) in 2016 and to Level 1B (Chemistry) in 2020. Coordinator of several projects funded by FAPESP and CNPq, with emphasis on the program of Computational Science of Materials and Chemistry, at the Center for Innovation in New Energies (2018-2028), which is funded by FAPESP and Shell Petróleo Brasil Ltda. Works in the area of Computational Science of Materials and Chemistry using first principle methods (ab initio) based on Density Functional Theory for the study of metallic surfaces, molecular adsorption, oxides, semiconductors, clusters, nanoparticles, etc., and in the development of algorithms for global optimization of nanoparticle structure. In 2014 he founded the Quantum Theory of Nanomaterials group at the Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos. Several administrative activities have been carried out since the beginning of activities at the Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, e.g., President of the Internationalization Commission, Member of the Graduate Commission, Representative of PhD professors in the congregation, Member of the board of the Physics-Chemistry department , etc. Since 06/2015 he is President of the Commission of Informatics of the Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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New theoretical model paves way for more efficient supercapacitors 
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