Yeda Aparecida de Oliveira Duarte - BV FAPESP
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Yeda Aparecida de Oliveira Duarte


Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Saúde Pública (FSP)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

She holds a degree in Nursing from the School of Nursing at USP (1982), a Master's in Nursing from the School of Nursing - USP (1996) and a PhD in Nursing from the School of Nursing - USP (2001) in the area of Gerontology. Post-Doctorate in Epidemiology from the Faculty of Public Health at USP with an internship at the Sealy Center on Aging - University of Texas Brunch (2005). She is currently an Associate Professor (MS5) at the School of Nursing and the Faculty of Public Health at USP. She is the Coordinator of the SABE Study, a longitudinal study of multiple cohorts on the living and health conditions of the elderly living in the city of São Paulo, a FAPESP thematic research with 22 years of existence. She has been coordinator of the USP-NAPSABE Research Center since 2012. She coordinated the National Survey of Long-Stay Institutions linked to SUAS (2015-2019). Responsible for creating the first Bachelor's Degree in Gerontology at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanity (EACH) USP (2005). Executive member of the YouTube channel @oquerolanageronto and the group @velhicescidadas. She has experience in the field of Geriatrics and Gerontology, working mainly on the following topics: elderly, SABE study, aging, families, caregivers, home care. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

Articles published in Pesquisa FAPESP Magazine about the researcher:
A virtuous cycle 
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Scholarships in Brazil
Virtual Library in numbers * Updated data on February 01, 2025
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4 / 3   Completed research grants
4 / 4   Completed scholarships in Brazil
1 / 0   Completed scholarships abroad
9 / 7   All research grants and scholarships

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