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Carlos Henrique Inacio Ramos


Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Química (IQ)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Full Professor at the Institute of Chemistry at UNICAMP (University of Campinas), was a researcher at LNLS (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory) from 1999 to 2007, holds a "Privat-Dozent" degree (2005) and a Ph.D. (1996) in Biochemistry from the University of São Paulo. He completed his postdoctoral research in Molecular Biophysics at Stanford University in 1998. He received his undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences (Bachelor's in Biochemistry) from the Federal University of Minas Gerais in 1991.Expertise lies in the field of Biochemistry, with a focus on Proteins: protein folding, chaperones, molecular stress, structural biochemistry, molecular biology, and biophysics. Many former members of his research group hold positions in universities, research institutes, or the industry. He has held various administrative positions, including the current role of Coordinator of Graduate Studies in Chemistry, Associate Director of the Institute of Chemistry (2014-2018), Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry (2011-2014), and Biotechnology Manager (2001-2003) at LNLS. Actively participates in Committees in international, national, and state funding agencies. Currently serves as an Associate Editor of one journal and as a member of the editorial boards of three other journals. He has been involved in multi-center and/or multi-user projects and laboratories, such as the Spectroscopy-Calorimetry-Hydrodynamics Laboratory (1999-2007) engaged in three multi-user projects at LNLS. Also involved in networks such as CEPID-CBME/FAPESP, IMBEBB/CNPq, and INCTBEB (as a member of the management committee). He has coordinated the institutional molecular biology and circular dichroism laboratories at IQ (Institute of Chemistry). Additionally, he is part of the committee advisory board for the UNICAMP Multi-User Laboratory in the areas of Bioinformatics-Genomics-Proteomics-Cell Biology. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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