Anderson Ribeiro Correia - Research Supported by FAPESP
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Anderson Ribeiro Correia

CV Lattes

Ministério da Defesa (Brasil). Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA). Divisão de Engenharia Civil (IEI)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

CEO at IPT - Institute for Technological Research. Full Professor at the Aeronautics Institute of Technology, having previously held various functions at the institute, such as President (2 terms), Vice-president of Extension and Cooperation, and Department Head. Former president of CAPES Federal Research Agency in Brazil, with a budget of US$ 1 Billion. He was a member of the Deliberative Council and is a current CNPQ (Brazilian National Research Council) researcher, level 1B. Ad-hoc advisor to CAPES, FAPESP and CNPQ. Chairman of the Board of the City Cristian Faculty. Associate Editor of Transportes (Scientific Journal). Guest Editor of Frontiers in Future Transportation. Reviewer of several national and international journals. Committee member of the Transportation Research Board - USA. He was Superintendent of Airport Infrastructure at ANAC - National Civil Aviation Agency. He was President of the Brazilian Air Transport Research Society. Professor Honoris Causa from UNIFEI - Federal University of Itajubá.He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the State University of Campinas (1998), a master's degree in Aeronautical Infrastructure Engineering from the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (2000) and a PhD in Transport Engineering from the University of Calgary (2004) - Canada.He is a member of several professional councils in the area of education, science, technology and innovation at FIESP (Industry Union of São Paulo State), CNI (National Industry Confederation), Technological Park of São José dos Campos, IPPLAN and others.Index h = 14 (Google Scholar, with 1053 citations), h = 9 (Scopus, with 346 citations) and h = 8 (Web of Science, with 282 citations). (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

Articles published in Pesquisa para Inovação FAPESP about the researcher:
São Paulo and Italy plan to increase bilateral interaction between universities and companies 
Engineering Center for Aerial Mobility of the Future starts operating 
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Virtual Library in numbers * Updated data on February 08, 2025
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6 / 4   Completed research grants
1 / 0   Completed scholarships in Brazil
7 / 4   All research grants and scholarships

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