Rachel Ifanger Albrecht - Research Supported by FAPESP
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Rachel Ifanger Albrecht


Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Prof. Rachel I. Albrecht leads a cloud physics and electrification research group of graduate and undergraduate students in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Her research and teaching interests include lightning and precipitation physics, cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions in deep convection, land-atmosphere interactions, and remote sensing of precipitation and lightning to improve the short-range forecasts of severe storms. Over the past 20 years, she has participated in and led field campaigns in Brazil to investigate cloud and precipitation microphysics, lightning physics and thunderstorm variability using radars, satellites, aircrafts, and ground-based in situ instrumentation. She is a member of GOES-R GLM (Geostationary Lightning Mapper) Science Team, and also involved in NASAs Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) and Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite missions research activities. She is member of WMO World Weather Research Program (WWRP) Science Steering Committee, was member and co-chair of WMO Nowcasting and Mesoscale Research Working Group, as well as member of the IAMAS International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP). Prof. Albrecht received her B.S. in Meteorology (2000), M.S. in Meteorology (2004) and Ph.D. in Meteorology (2008) from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Prior to joining University of Sao Paulo faculty staff in 2014, she was a Research Associate at NOAA Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites (CICS) at University of Maryland, U.S.A., from 2008-2010, and a Research Scientist at the Center for Weather Prediction and Climate Studies (CPTEC) at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) from 2010-2014. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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