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Marcos Roberto de Mattos Fontes


Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Botucatu. Instituto de Biociências (IBB)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Graduation in Physics at the University of São Paulo (1989), Master in Sciences (1992), and PhD (1995) in Physics by University of São Paulo; Post-doctorals at the University of Melbourne (2001) and University of Queensland (2004), both in Australia. At this moment, he is a Full Professor in Biophysics at the São Paulo State University (UNESP) - Institute of Biosciences - Botucatu/SP. He is currently working as a part-time Senior Visiting Researcher at IEAMAR/UNESP (Institute for Advanced Studies of the Sea) - São Vicente/SP. He has experience in Molecular Biophysics field, including protein crystallography, bioinformatics, calorimetry and other biophysical techniques. The main research fields include animal toxins, nuclear import proteins, DNA repair proteins and other proteins with biotechnological importance. He is the head of the Department of Physics and Biophysics and head of the Structural Biology Laboratory. He was the coordinator of Applied and General Biology graduation course (4 years) and head of the Department of Physics and Biophysics by three terms. He was responsible for the third laboratory in South America able to work with protein crystallography techniques and he worked in the project responsible for the first protein solved by crystallography in South America (1995) during his PhD. He has supervised 36 MSc/PhD and over than 60 diploma thesis and already coordinated over than 20 research projects granted by FAPESP, CNPq e FINEP (Brazilian governmental research agencies). Nowadays, he is Editor of Scientific Reports (Nature group) journal and reviewer of over 20 scientific journals and was responsible for oral communications in several international conferences. He was vice-presidente and treasurer of Brazilian Society of Toxinology. He was Senior Visiting Researcher at Fiocruz-Rondônia (2019-2022). He already published more than 160 scientific articles in important scientific journals which were already cited over than 4200 times in other articles with H index of 35. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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Allies for an antidotal serum 
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