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André Luiz Barboza Formiga


Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Química (IQ)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Current research interests focus on energy conversion, specifically catalytic and electrocatalytic water splitting promoted by coordination compounds, working with ligand and complex design for this purpose. Studies on proton-coupled electron transfer as well as reaction mechanisms and electronic structure are in progress. For more information visit Besides this main research interest, two big scientific networks are involved with the group: 1) through a Thematic Project funded by FAPESP, supramolecular materials developed in the group are employed as electrochemical sensors for biological analytes; 2) through the INCT in Functional Complex Materials, electrochemical sensors for ethanol are under study, mainly with the Microfabrication Laboratory at LNNano-CNPEM. The previous research profile is focused on Supramolecular Chemistry and several systems/materials were developed like metallopolymers, MOFs and supramolecular assemblies using coordination compounds. These projects were awarded with two Innovation Prizes (2010/2011). He has also a broad experience on electronic structure calculation methods, using them to study from supramolecular structures to biologically relevant complexes. The highlight is the pioneering in using electronic structure calculation to supermolecules with up to 18 metal centers using a methodology developed during the PhD/Post-Doc. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Dept of Inorganic Chemistry, UNICAMP, where he has been working since 2009. Before that he was an Adjunct Professor at the Dept of General and Inorganic Chemistry, UERJ (2006-2009). He has been nominated to administrative rules in both universities, including Head and Vice-Head of the Dept. Since 2014, he coordinates UNICAMP's Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction facilities. He has a Licenciate degree in Chemistry from UERJ (2001) and a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from USP (2005). He was a Post-Doc at USP (2006), a Visiting Researcher at the HelmHoltz Zentrum München, Germany (2010) and a Visiting Researcher at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (2011). He returned to Belgium in 2012 and 2014 as Visiting Fellow. Since his independent carreer started, he supervised more than 80 students (undergraduate and graduate). He has been an invited speaker in many national and international meetings and institutions, highlights are the University of Cambridge and the Royal Society (UK). (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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