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Cláudia Lúcia de Moraes Forjaz


Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Escola de Educação Física e Esporte (EEFE)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Education - Undergraduate course of Physical Education at the School of Physical Education and Sport of the University of São Paulo (EEFE-USP - 1989). PhD in Physical Education at the EEFE-USP - area Exercise Biodynamics (1998). Associate professor title obtained in EEFE-USP - area Exercise Physiopatology (2007). Short term post-doctoral period at the University of Porto about Genetic Epidemiology: studies in nuclear families (Portugal - 2010). Professional activities - Associate professor (level 3) at the School of Physical Education and Sport of the University of São Paulo (EEFE-USP - entrance 1993, associate level 3 - 2013). Positions in this institution: Chair of the Exercise Hemodynamic Department (finished), President of the Graduate Program (finished). Chair of the Exercise Hemodynamic Laboratory (LAHAM - EEFE-USP, actual). Coordinator of the community project Exercise and Heart (actual). Activities out from EEFE-USP - Vice-president of the Brazilian Society of Hypertension (finished). Section editor of the Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física e Saúde (finished). Adjunct Coordinator of the area "21 - Physical education, Physiotherapy, Phonoaudiology and Occupational Therapy" from CAPES (actual). Reviewer of different Brazilian and international journals (actual). Reviewer of Brazilian and international scientific grants agencies. Research theme - Acute and chronic physiological effects of aerobic and resistance exercise in healthy subjects (adults and elderly) and patients with different chronic diseases, such as hypertension, peripheral artery disease. Key-words: resistance exercise, resistance training, aerobic exercise, aerobic training, hemodynamics, autonomic modulation, cardiovascular function and vasodilatory function. Financial support - Research projects are funded by national research agencies, such as FAPESP, CNPQ, CAPES and also by University of São Paulo. Research production grant from CNPq. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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