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Andrei Grespan

CV Lattes

Andrei Grespan graduated in Agricultural Engineering from Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola - Unicamp. Co-founder and CEO of Tarvos, Andrei is responsible for executing company strategies, establishing policies and controls to execute the vision of the company and diffuse its culture, selecting and coaching the company leaders, and establishing and overlooking the short- and long-term strategic goals. Andrei began his research career in scientific initiation projects, still at the university, resulting in patents applications during this time. In private industry, he has years of experience with data gathering in support of business development initiatives and new product initiatives. In 2018, Andrei founded Tarvos, a technology-based company created to revolutionize the way decisions are made on farms in Brazil, helping farmers to be more productive, sustainable and resilient. Using data collected from smart traps and remote sensing, the technology closely monitors the crop in near real time to help farmers understand which areas deserve attention, helping farmers closely monitor their crops to react quickly to pest attacks and increase their yields in a sustainable way. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

Articles published in Pesquisa para Inovação FAPESP about the researcher:
Smart traps monitor caterpillar infestation of crops  
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