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Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion

CV Lattes ResearcherID ORCID

Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

I am an Associate Professor of Tropical Forestry at the Department of Forest Sciences, ?Luiz de Queiroz? College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo (ESALQ / USP), where I coordinate the Laboratory of Tropical Forestry (LASTROP). I?m currently the vice-coordinator of the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact and am an affiliated member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2021-2025). I have a degree in Agronomy and a PhD in Sciences from ESALQ /USP. My research and outreach projects aim to develop knowledge and technology to manage and restore tropical forests in an economically viable way and with social inclusion, aiming at balancing the coexistence of these forests with agro-pastoral land uses in human-modified landscapes. I have sought to develop innovative models of forest restoration and commercial production of native species to promote the large-scale recovery of degraded areas and maximize the benefits for biodiversity and human well-being. In 2018 I received the Bunge Award, on Ecosystem Services for Agribusiness. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

Articles published in Pesquisa FAPESP Magazine about the researcher:
Brazilian science attracting attention worldwide 
La ciencia brasileña que se ve en el mundo 
Pérdidas ocultas 
Hidden losses 
Cómo renacen los bosques 
How forests are reborn 
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Articles published in Pesquisa para Inovação FAPESP about the researcher:
New RIDC will work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration in agriculture 
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