3 / 3 | Ongoing research grants |
2 / 2 | Completed research grants |
2 / 2 | Ongoing scholarships in Brazil |
10 / 9 | Completed scholarships in Brazil |
3 / 3 | Completed scholarships abroad |
20 / 19 | All research grants and scholarships |
Associated processes |
graduate at Bacharelado em Ciencias Biológicas from Universidade Santa Cecilia (1998), master's at Biological Oceanografy from Universidade de São Paulo (2004) and ph.d. at Biological Oceanografy from Universidade de São Paulo (2008). Has experience in General Biology, acting on the following subjects: ecotoxicologia, poluição marinha, poluição, biomarcadores and testes de toxicidade. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)
Articles published in Pesquisa FAPESP Magazine about the researcher: |
Los microplásticos se expanden por la costa brasileña |
Microplastics found along the Brazilian coastline |
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News published in Agência FAPESP Newsletter about the researcher |
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Articles published in other media outlets ( ): |
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(Only some records are available in English at this moment)
3 / 3 | Ongoing research grants |
2 / 2 | Completed research grants |
2 / 2 | Ongoing scholarships in Brazil |
10 / 9 | Completed scholarships in Brazil |
3 / 3 | Completed scholarships abroad |
20 / 19 | All research grants and scholarships |
Associated processes |