Fossil eggs of Crocodyliforms from Upper Cretaceous of Bauru Group, regions of Cam...
Taphonomic study of bivalves in the Bauru group (Late Cretaceous, Bauru Basin) aro...
Paleoecology of fossil bivalves of Bauru group (Late Cretaceous, Bauru Basin) in P...
Sistematic of fossil bivalves of Bauru group (Late Cretaceous, Bauru Basin) in Pre...
Alpha-taxonomic review of the Baurusuchidae (Crocodyliformes, Mesoeucrocodylia) fr...
A new crocodyliform Eunotosuchia from the Adamantina Formation (Bauru Group, Late ...
Description of skull internal anatomy of a Podocnemidoidea (Pleurodira: Pelomeduso...