Diversity of bats trypanosomes in hydroeletric are... - BV FAPESP
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Diversity of bats trypanosomes in hydroeletric area of Belo Monte in Brazilian Amazonia

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da Costa, Andrea P. ; Nunes, Pablo Henrique ; Santos Leite, Beatriz Helena ; Ferreira, Juliana Isabel G. da S. ; Tonhosolo, Renata ; da Rosa, Adriana Ruckert ; da Rocha, Patricio Adriano ; Aires, Caroline Cotrim ; Gennari, Solange Maria ; Marcili, Arlei
Total Authors: 10
Document type: Journal article
Source: Acta Tropica; v. 164, p. 185-193, DEC 2016.
Web of Science Citations: 8

The Trypanosoma comprises flagellates able to infect many mammalian species and is transmitted by several groups of invertebrates. The order Chiroptera can be infected by the subgenera Herpetosoma, Schizonypanum, Megatrypanum and Trypanozoon. In this study, we described the diversity of bats trypanosomes, inferring the phylogenetic relationships among the trypanosomes from bats caught Belo Monte Hydroeletric area (Brazilian Amazonia). Trypanosomes from bats were isolated by haemoculture, and the molecular phylogeny based on small subunit rDNA (SSU rDNA) and glycosomal-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) gene sequences. Morphological characterization included light and scanning electron microscopy. A total of 157 bats were caught in the area belonging 6 Families (Emballonuridae, Furipteridae, Mormoopidae, Natalidae, Phyllostomidae and Vespertilionidae) and 34 species. The bat trypanosome prevalence, as evaluated through haemoculture, was 5,7%. Phylogenetic trees grouped the isolates in T. cruzi branch (TCI and TCbat lineage), T. cruzi marinkellei and Trypanosoma wauwau from Pteronotus parnellii. This is the first isolate from T. wauwau in Para state. The occurrence of T. cruzi in the Belo Monte Hydroeletric area (UHE Belo Monte) in Amazon/Brazil attentive to the risk of migration human population required for the works of the dam and new cities that grow in the vicinity of these businesses, but it is a zoonosis already known to the Amazon region, and the presence of unclassified Trypanosoma species, attend to the large parasitic biodiversity still unknown. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. (AU)

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Support Opportunities: Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants
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Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master
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Grantee:Andréa Pereira da Costa
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate