Effectiveness of Periapical Radiography Versus Con... - BV FAPESP
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Effectiveness of Periapical Radiography Versus Cone Beam Computed Tomography with Different Kilovoltage Settings in the Detection of Chemically Created Peri-implant Bone Defects: An In Vitro Study

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Pinheiro, Lucas Rodrigues [1, 2] ; Scarfe, William C. [3] ; de Oliveira Sales, Marcelo Augusto [4] ; Gaia, Bruno Felipe [5] ; Gonzalez Cortes, Arthur Rodriguez [6, 7] ; Paraiso Cavalcanti, Marcelo Gusmao [6]
Total Authors: 6
[1] Univ Louisville, Sch Dent, Dept Surg & Hosp Dent, Louisville, KY 40292 - USA
[2] Univ Ctr Para, Sch Dent, Brasilia, DF - Brazil
[3] Univ Louisville, Sch Dent, Dept Surg & Hosp Dent, Div Radiol & Imaging Sci, Louisville, KY 40292 - USA
[4] Univ Fed Paraiba, Sch Dent, Dept Stomatol, Joao Pessoa, Paraiba - Brazil
[5] Inst Canc Estado Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[6] Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Dent, Dept Stomatol, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[7] Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Dept Radiol, Boston, MA - USA
Total Affiliations: 7
Document type: Journal article
Web of Science Citations: 4

Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images obtained with different kiiovoitage settings compared with intraoral periapical photostimulable storage phosphor (PSP) plate images in the detection of chemically created peri-implant defects utiiizing a bovine rib bone model in vitro. Materials and Methods: After placing 80 implants in bovine ribs, peri-implant circumferential bone defects of different sizes were created with 70% perchloric acid. CBCT images (3D Accuitomo 170) were acquired at 90 and 75 kVp, and intraoral periapical images were acquired using a PSP system (Carestream KODAK, CS 7600). Using a 5-point Likert scale, two oral and maxillofacial radiologists (OMR) and two oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMS) evaluated the likelihood of a bone defect being absent or present. The kappa statistic was used to compare observer agreement, and area under the curve values were compared using analysis of variance and the post hoc Tukey test. Significance was set at P <= .05. Results: PSP reliability ranged from discordance to slight for small defects and fair to moderate for larger defects. For CBCT, OMRs had good agreement for defects using 90 kVp, and slight to fair using 75 kVp. Agreement for OMS observations was fair for 75 kVp, and varied from slight to good for 90 kVp. Small lesions were detected more effectively by CBCT than by PSP, and larger lesions were detected more effectively by CBCT at 90 kVp than by CBCT at 75 kVp or by PSP. Conclusion: CBCT imaging at 90 kVp was associated with a significantly higher rate of detection of both small and large chemically simulated bone defects than PSP or CBCT at 75 kVp. CBCT imaging at 75 kVp proved better than PSP for the detection of small defects. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 11/20179-0 - Cone beam computed tomography for identification of periimplant bone defects simulated in fresh bovine ribs
Grantee:Marcelo de Gusmão Paraíso Cavalcanti
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 11/20304-9 - Cone beam computed tomography for identification of peri-implant bone defects simulated in fresh bovine ribs
Grantee:Lucas Rodrigues Pinheiro
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate (Direct)