Numerical characterization of the ARAPUCA: a new technology for detecting scintill...
Photon detection system of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
The ARAPUCA device and its impact on the sensitivity of DUNE far detector for low ...
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Author(s): Show less - |
Segreto, E.
Machado, A. A.
Paulucci, L.
Marinho, F.
Galante, D.
Guedes, S.
Fauth, A.
Teixeira, V.
Gelli, B.
Guzzo, M. R.
Araujo, W.
Ambrosio, C.
Bissiano, M.
Lixandrao Filho, A. L.
Total Authors: 14
Affiliation: | [1] Univ Estadual Campinas, UNICAMP, Inst Fis Gleb Wataghin, Rua Sergio Buarque de Holanda 777, BR-13083859 Campinas, SP - Brazil
[2] Univ Fed Abc, Av Estados 5001, BR-09210170 Santo Andre, SP - Brazil
[3] Univ Fed Sao Carlos, Rodovia Anhanguera, Km 174, Araras, SP - Brazil
[4] LNLS, Rua Giuseppe Maximo Scolfaro 10000, BR-13083100 Campinas, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 4
Document type: | Journal article |
Source: | Journal of Instrumentation; v. 13, AUG 2018. |
Web of Science Citations: | 1 |
Abstract | |
The ARAPUCA is a novel concept for liquid argon scintillation light detection which has been proposed for the photon detection system of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. The test in liquid argon of one of the first ARAPUCA prototypes is presented in this work, where the working principle is experimentally demonstrated. The prototype has an acceptance window of 9 cm(2) and is read-out by a single SiPM with active area of 0.36 cm(-2). Its global detection efficiency was estimated by exposing it to a natural Uranium a source and to cosmic rays and was found to be 1.10% +/- 0.15%, which translates into an amplification of the effective detection area of the SiPM by a factor of about 3.7, in reasonable agreement with the prediction of a detailed Monte Carlo simulation of the device. Several other ARAPUCA prototypes of bigger dimensions and read-out by arrays of SiPMs have been built and are actually under test. In particular 32 ARAPUCA cells have been installed inside the protoDUNE detector, which is being assembled at CERN and will be operated in the second half of 2018. (AU) | |
FAPESP's process: | 16/01106-5 - Liquid argon program at UNICAMP |
Grantee: | Ettore Segreto |
Support Opportunities: | Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants |
FAPESP's process: | 17/13942-5 - Numerical characterization of the ARAPUCA: a new technology for detecting scintillation light in noble liquids |
Grantee: | Laura Paulucci Marinho |
Support Opportunities: | Regular Research Grants |