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(Reference retrieved automatically from Web of Science through information on FAPESP grant and its corresponding number as mentioned in the publication by the authors.)

Can Postural Control Asymmetry Predict Falls in People With Parkinson's Disease?

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Beretta, Victor Spiandor [1] ; Barbieri, Fabio Augusto [1] ; Orcioli-Silva, Diego [1] ; Rocha dos Santos, Paulo Cezar [2, 1] ; Simieli, Lucas [1] ; Vitorio, Rodrigo [1] ; Bucken Gobbi, Lilian Teresa [1]
Total Authors: 7
[1] Sao Paulo State Univ, Rio Claro - Brazil
[2] Univ Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Ctr Human Movement Sci, Groningen - Netherlands
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Source: MOTOR CONTROL; v. 22, n. 4, p. 449-461, OCT 2018.
Web of Science Citations: 2

This study aimed to determine the relationship between postural asymmetry and falls in Parkinson's disease (PD). In total, 28 patients with PD were included. Postural control was analyzed in bipedal, tandem, and unipedal standing. Center of pressure (CoP) parameters were calculated for both limbs, and asymmetry was assessed using the asymmetry index. Logistic regression was used to predict/classify fallers through postural asymmetry. The Spearman correlation was performed to relate asymmetry and falls number. Poisson regression models were created to predict the number of falls in each condition. The results demonstrated that asymmetry can classify 75% of fallers and nonfallers. Asymmetry in anteroposterior-mean velocity of CoP in unipedal standing was related to the number of falls. Poisson regression showed that anteroposterior-mean velocity of CoP predicts falls in PD, indicating that increased asymmetry results in a greater number of falls. Anteroposterior-mean velocity of CoP seems to be a sensitive parameter to detect falls in PD, mainly during a postural challenging task. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 13/00925-4 - Asymmetry in postural control in fallers and non-fallers elderly with Parkinson's disease in different static positions
Grantee:Victor Spiandor Beretta
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
FAPESP's process: 10/07040-0 - Locomotor behavior, clinical parameters, falls incidence, and physical activity level in Parkinson disease patients. A two-year longitudinal study.
Grantee:Rodrigo Vitório
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
FAPESP's process: 12/24040-9 - Asymmetry in the Parkinson Disease: effects on walking and posture
Grantee:Fabio Augusto Barbieri
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral