Pretreatment usingOpuntia cochenilliferafollowed b... - BV FAPESP
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Pretreatment usingOpuntia cochenilliferafollowed by household slow sand filters: technological alternatives for supplying isolated communities

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Souza Freitas, Barbara Luiza [1] ; Sabogal-Paz, Lyda Patricia [1]
Total Authors: 2
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Dept Hydraul & Sanitat, Sao Carlos Sch Engn, 400 Trabalhador Sao Carlense Ave, BR-13566590 Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 1
Document type: Journal article
Source: ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY; v. 41, n. 21, p. 2783-2794, SEP 18 2020.
Web of Science Citations: 9

Household slow sand filter (HSSF) performance in continuous and intermittent flows was evaluated when influent water was treated with a natural coagulant extracted fromOpuntia cochenillifera. The water under study, used as influent, had a turbidity of 111 +/- 17.3 NTU. When clarifying the water withO. cochenillifera, the best condition obtained was 30 mg L(-1)in natural pH (without correction), generating clarified water with turbidity satisfactory to filters operation (7.83 +/- 2.32 NTU). The results indicated a better performance of continuous flow HSSF in turbidity removal (79.2% +/- 8.39%) and higher efficiency of intermittent flow HSSF in the removal ofE. coli(2.86 log +/- 0.79 log for 12 h pause period and 2.41 log +/- 0.42 log for 4 h pause period). For the sake of comparison, the evaluated HSSFs had the same production (60 L day(-1)). The impact on the interruption of the 96-h feed into the HSSFs was analysed and the results indicated a significant change in the quality of the filtered water after resuming the operation. This fragility of technology must be considered when it is implemented as lack of water can be a reality in the target communities. Acute toxicological assays withC. xanthuslarvae showed no toxicity for pretreated and filtered water; however, more testing should be performed. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 14/12712-8 - BioSand filters operated in continuous and intermittent flows: challenges in the construction, operation and maintenance
Grantee:Lyda Patricia Sabogal Paz
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants