Periodontal ligament repair after active splinting... - BV FAPESP
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Periodontal ligament repair after active splinting of replanted dogs' teeth

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Silva, Raquel Assed Bezerra [1] ; Vieira, Heloisa Aparecida Orsini [1] ; de Gregorio, Cesar [2] ; Cohenca, Nestor [3] ; Lucisano, Marilia Pacifico [1] ; Pucinelli, Carolina Maschietto [1] ; Paula-Silva, Francisco Wanderley Garcia [1] ; Nelson-Filho, Paulo [1] ; Romano, Fabio Lourenco [1] ; Assed Bezerra Silva, Lea [1]
Total Authors: 10
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Dent Ribeirao Preto, Dept Pediat Dent, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[2] Univ Rey Juan Carlos, Dept Dent, Madrid - Spain
[3] Univ Washington, Dept Endodont, Seattle, WA 98195 - USA
Total Affiliations: 3
Document type: Journal article
Source: DENTAL TRAUMATOLOGY; v. 37, n. 6, p. 758-771, DEC 2021.
Web of Science Citations: 0

Background/Aim The high rate of root resorption resulting from tooth replantation represents a serious clinical problem. In order to prevent ankylosis and replacement resorption, the contemporary literature highlights the importance of using a flexible stabilization for traumatized teeth. For this purpose, orthodontic devices may be promising for obtaining a better prognosis and periodontal repair. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an active splinting protocol with controlled force in dog's teeth following replantation. Material and Methods Sixty premolar roots from three dogs were used. They were submitted to endodontic treatment, hemisected, atraumatically extracted and subsequently replanted. They were divided into four groups: Passive Stabilization (n = 20)-after 20 min in a dry medium; Active Stabilization (n = 20)-after 20 min in a dry medium; Negative control (n = 10)-immediate replantation and passive Stabilization; and Positive control (n = 10)-90 min of extra-alveolar time and passive Stabilization. The samples were collected and submitted to histologic processing. They were then evaluated for the count of inflammatory cells, expression of neurotrophin 4, osteoclasts, apoptotic cells and collagen fibres. The results were submitted to ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests followed by Tukey or Dunn post-tests (alpha = 5%). Results Passive Stabilization with orthodontic brackets without traction used after replantation had the highest number of inflammatory cells (p = .0122), osteoclasts (p = .0013) and percentage of collagen fibres in the periodontal ligament (p < .0001) when compared to Active Stabilization with orthodontic brackets applying amild tensile force. Neurotrophin 4 had no statistically significant difference (p = .05), regardless of the treatment. The apoptotic cells count revealed statistical differences (p < .0001) between Active Stabilization (189.70 +/- 47.99) and Positive Control (198.90 +/- 88.92) when compared to Passive Stabilization (21.19 +/- 32.94). Conclusion The active splinting protocol using orthodontic appliances generating a light and controlled force favoured periodontal ligament repair of replanted teeth. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 17/16885-2 - Tooth Replantation: Use of active stabilization as a new protocol to improve periodontal repair
Grantee:Léa Assed Bezerra da Silva
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants