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he Brazilian Soil Spectral Service (BraSpecS): A User-Friendly System for Global Soil Spectra Communicatio

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Dematte, Jose A. M. [1] ; Paiva, Ariane Francine da Silveira [1] ; Poppiel, Raul Roberto [1] ; Rosin, Nicolas Augusto [1] ; Ruiz, Luis Fernando Chimelo [1] ; Mello, Fellipe Alcantara de Oliveira [1] ; Minasny, Budiman [2] ; Grunwald, Sabine [3] ; Ge, Yufeng [4] ; Ben Dor, Eyal [5] ; Gholizadeh, Asa [6] ; Gomez, Cecile [7] ; Chabrillat, Sabine [8, 9] ; Francos, Nicolas [5] ; Ayoubi, Shamsollah [10] ; Fiantis, Dian [11] ; Biney, James Kobina Mensah [6] ; Wang, Changkun [12] ; Belal, Abdelaziz [13] ; Naimi, Salman [10] ; Hafshejani, Najmeh Asgari [10] ; Bellinaso, Henrique [1] ; Moura-Bueno, Jean Michel [14] ; Silvero, Nelida E. Q. [1]
Total Authors: 24
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[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Luiz de Queiroz Coll Agr, Dept Soil Sci, Padua Dias Ave 11, BR-13418900 Piracicaba - Brazil
[2] Univ Sydney, Sch Life & Environm Sci, Sydney, NSW 2006 - Australia
[3] Univ Florida, Soil & Water Sci Dept, 2181 McCarty Hall, POB 110290, Gainesville, FL 32611 - USA
[4] Univ Nebraska Lincoln, Dept Biol Syst Engn, Lincoln, NE 68583 - USA
[5] Tel Aviv Univ, Dept Geog, Porter Sch Environm & Earth Sci, Fac Exact Sci, POB 39040, IL-6997801 Tel Aviv - Israel
[6] Czech Univ Life Sci Prague, Dept Soil Sci & Soil Protect, Fac Agrobiol Food & Nat Resources, Prague 16500 - Czech Republic
[7] Univ Montpellier, Lab Etud Interact Entre Sol Agrosyst Hydrosyst, Natl Res Inst Agr Food & Environm, Inst Res Dev, Montpellier SupAgro, F-34060 Montpellier - France
[8] Helmholtz Ctr Potsdam GFZ German Res Ctr Geosci R, D-14473 Potsdam - Germany
[9] Germany Leibniz Univ Hannover, Inst Soil Sci, Herrenhauser Str 2, D-30419 Hannover - Germany
[10] Isfahan Univ Technol, Coll Agr, Dept Soil Sci, Esfahan 8415683111 - Iran
[11] Univ Andalas, Dept Soil Sci, Fac Agr, Padang 25163 - Indonesia
[12] Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Soil & Sustainable Agr, Inst Soil Sci, Nanjing 210008 - Peoples R China
[13] Natl Author Remote Sensing & Space Sci NARSS, Agr Applicat, Soil & Marine Div, POB 1564, Cairo - Egypt
[14] Univ Cruz Alta, Dept Agron, Highway Jacob Mea, Km 5-6, BR-98005972 Cruz Alta, RS - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 14
Document type: Journal article
Source: REMOTE SENSING; v. 14, n. 3 FEB 2022.
Web of Science Citations: 0

Although many Soil Spectral Libraries (SSLs) have been created globally, these libraries still have not been operationalized for end-users. To address this limitation, this study created an online Brazilian Soil Spectral Service (BraSpecS). The system was based on the Brazilian Soil Spectral Library (BSSL) with samples collected in the Visible-Near-Short-wave infrared (vis-NIR-SWIR) and Mid-infrared (MIR) ranges. The interactive platform allows users to find spectra, act as custodians of the data, and estimate several soil properties and classification. The system was tested by 500 Brazilian and 65 international users. Users accessed the platform (, uploaded their spectra, and received soil organic carbon (SOC) and clay content prediction results via email. The BraSpecS prediction provided good results for Brazilian data, but performed variably for other countries. Prediction for countries outside of Brazil using local spectra (External Country Soil Spectral Libraries, ExCSSL) mostly showed greater performance than BraSpecS. Clay R-2 ranged from 0.5 (BraSpecS) to 0.8 (ExCSSL) in vis-NIR-SWIR, but BraSpecS MIR models were more accurate in most situations. The development of external models based on the fusion of local samples with BSSL formed the Global Soil Spectral Library (GSSL). The GSSL models improved soil properties prediction for different countries. Nevertheless, the proposed system needs to be continually updated with new spectra so they can be applied broadly. Accordingly, the online system is dynamic, users can contribute their data and the models will adapt to local information. Our community-driven web platform allows users to predict soil attributes without learning soil spectral modeling, which will invite end-users to utilize this powerful technique. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 14/22262-0 - Geotechnologies on a detailed digital soil mapping and the Brazilian soil spectral library: development and applications
Grantee:José Alexandre Melo Demattê
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants
FAPESP's process: 20/04306-0 - Pedometric soil mapping of São Paulo State using proximal and remote sensing data coupled with pedo-transfer functions and machine learning
Grantee:Raul Roberto Poppiel
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
FAPESP's process: 16/26176-6 - Soil variability of Brazil from the perspective of a spectral library in the bands of visible-infrared and medium-infrared
Grantee:Ariane Francine da Silveira Paiva
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate (Direct)