Bacterial nanocellulose and fibroin: natural produ... - BV FAPESP
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Bacterial nanocellulose and fibroin: natural products to produce a structure membranes

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Victória Soares Soeiro [1] ; Louise Lacalendola Tundisi [2] ; Venâncio Alves Amaral [3] ; Fenando Batain [4] ; Priscila Gava Mazzola [5] ; Elias Basile Tambourgi [6] ; José Martins de Oliveira Júnior [7] ; Marco Vinicius Chaud [8] ; Denise Grotto [9] ; Norberto Aranha [10] ; Angela Faustino Jozala
Total Authors: 11
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[1] University of Sorocaba. Laboratory of Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Process - Brasil
[2] University of Campinas. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science - Brasil
[3] University of Sorocaba. Laboratory of Biomaterials and Nanotechnology - Brasil
[4] University of Sorocaba. Laboratory of Biomaterials and Nanotechnology - Brasil
[5] University of Campinas. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science - Brasil
[6] University of Campinas. School of Chemical Engineering - Brasil
[7] University of Sorocaba. Laboratory of Nuclear Physics - Brasil
[8] University of Sorocaba. Laboratory of Biomaterials and Nanotechnology - Brasil
[9] University of Sorocaba. Laboratory of Toxicological Research - Brasil
[10] University of Sorocaba. Laboratory of Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Process - Brasil
Total Affiliations: 11
Document type: Journal article
Source: MATERIA-RIO DE JANEIRO; v. 26, n. 4 2022-01-05.

ABSTRACT Fibroin (FB) and bacterial nanocellulose (BC) are natural products, being used in biomedicine, electronics, food industries and other areas. Both show biocompatibility, able to be used for many different purposes. The blending of fibroin and bacterial nanocellulose was design to produce a biocompatible material to be applied with a medical device. For this reason, the objective of this work was to evaluate the structure properties of the blending of BC and FB. Thus, FB was extracted from Bombyx mori and BC was produced by fermentation process utilizing Gluconacetobacter xylinus. The membranes composed of BC-FB were produced by immersion contact for 24 hours, at 25°C, in 100rpm; without crosslinking agent. After the production the membrane samples were dried and characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR spectroscopy), mechanical proprieties, swelling efficiency, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and computerized microtomography (µCt). Results indicate that the hydrogen-bonded porous membranes obtained displayed anisiotropic, closed and interconnected porous morphology. The morphometric characteristics, which resemble a honeycomb and consist of a long structure with high connectivity and high total porosity, amplify the areas of BC-FB blend applications, with potential utilization with optoelectronic devices, in areas ranging from environmental to tissue engineering. Furthermore, the production by immersion contact will allow the upscale process and the development of green label material. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 16/05930-4 - Development of a Production and Purification Platform for Bioproducts
Grantee:Angela Faustino Jozala
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
Grantee:Norberto Aranha
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants